Research Associate (3 posts) : London, United Kingdom
UCL Division of Infection and Immunity
Research Associate (3 posts)
The appointment will be full time on UCL Grade 7. The salary range will be £33,686 – £37,524 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.
Applications are invited for three Post Doctoral Research Associate positions in the UCL Division of Infection and Immunity in the laboratory of Professor Greg Towers.
The Towers group shares laboratory space, and collaborates, with an interdisciplinary grouping of Wellcome Trust funded Investigators with research interests ranging from basic science to clinical virology. The post-holders will be expected to perform the highest quality research under the direction of the Principal Investigator. The Towers Lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to using HIV and hCMV to understand the defensive cell biology associated with sensing virus infection.
Two of the posts are funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship entitled "Characterisation of innate immuneDNA sensing and viral evasion strategies". These two Wellcome Trust funded positions are available for three years in the first instance.
The third post is funded by UCL Biomedical Research Centre and aims to study the role of Cyclophilin in replication of human cytomegalovirus in collaboration with Dr Matthew Reeves at UCL. This position is available for 18 months in the first instance.