One post-doc research associate and one visiting scholar position are now available in the Quantitative Imaging and Radiomics laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), The University of Oklahoma (OU). This laboratory is fully funded and the research is mainly focused on the development of novel computer-aided diagnosis schemes for identifying the early symptoms or predicting the early therapy responses of certain forms of cancer (i.e. ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer).
The interested candidate should hold a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or some other related field. Preference in selection will be afforded to any candidates who have hands-on experience and/or a strong interest in applying deep learning technology to medical imaging analysis related research fields. A basic proficiency in English (both spoken and written) is required. For the visiting scholar position, the candidate should be sponsored by an exchange program from his/her university, state/province, or country.
Founded in 1890, The University of Oklahoma is a world-renowned research institution providing 152 baccalaureate programs, 160 master's programs, and 75 doctorate programs. Located in Norman, the school provides an excellent research environment and offers plenty of research opportunities in your career development.
To apply for this position, please send your CV to Dr. Yuchen Qiu (;; If possible, you can also contact the PI with QQ (150695802) or Wechat (gyrfalconxa).
The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.