The University of Helsinki is a leading Nordic university with a strong life science research. An international academic community with a critical outlook and a creative attitude is aiming to build a better future together.
Helsinki Institute of Life Science, HiLIFE (, is a new life science institute at the University of Helsinki established in 2017 supporting high quality research across campuses and life science faculties. HiLIFE builds on existing strengths, new recruits and partnerships to create an attractive international environment for solving grand challenges in health, food, and environment. It coordinates research infrastructures in life sciences, provides research-based interdisciplinary training and supports researchers within its units and partner faculties. In 2017 HiLIFE has a staff of 600 and a total budget of 53 M€.
HiLIFE operates mainly in the campuses of Meilahti and Viikki.
Laboratory of Structural Biology at the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) located on the Viikki Campus invites applications for a
Senior postdoc in Cryo-EM of macromolecular complexes
for a fixed-term of two years.
Prior expertise in cryo-EM is desirable but not required. Positions are initially made for two years, with the possibility of renewal, and available immediately.
Our research is aimed at understanding the structure and function of biological macromolecules and their complexes, such as molecular machines and viruses. We apply a range of methods, including cryo-EM, advanced fluorescence microscopy methods, and correlative imaging. We are also active in computational method development for these tasks.
The local cryo-EM core facility houses a Talos Arctica with a Falcon III detector and a Volta phase plate, in addition to a Linkam/Zeiss setup for correlative imaging. Access to several other high-end microscopes, including a Titan Krios, is available for the project via research visits to the University of Oxford. Finnish high performance computing center (CSC) provides both CPU and GPU clusters for data processing, including eighty P100 (Pascal) GPUs.
The positions are funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and HiLIFE.
Essential skills
- Hold a PhD degree in a relevant field with extensive postdoctoral research experience in structural biology or related fields.
- Strong publication record at the level of first author in leading peer-reviewed journals.
- Excellent familiarity with the current literature and research questions in the field of cryo-EM.
- Extensive expertise in cloning, purifying and preparing proteins and/or macromolecular complexes for structural biology characterization.
- Ability to independently plan and manage a research project including a research budget and assisting the work of junior researchers and students.
- Good communication skills, including the ability write research articles and reviews and to present work at international meetings and to non-specialist audiences.
- The working language of the laboratory is English.
Desirable skills
- Experience in advanced sample preparation methods such as cell sorting, genome editing, or production of stable cell lines.
- Analysis of cryo-EM data using standard methods.
- Track record of raising research funds through writing grant applications.
Applications should include a motivation letter (maximum of 1 page), a CV (maximum of 2 pages) and a list of publications. All documents should be combined as a single PDF file.
To apply, please submit your application using the University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system (
The application deadline is December 10, 2017, the preferred start date is February 1, 2018.
For additional information, please contact Associate Professor Juha T. Huiskonen, juha.huiskonen(at)