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英國倫敦Veni Papayannopoulos實驗室的博士后研究職位

時間:2018-01-30來源:未知 作者:91boshi

A postdoctoral research post in the laboratory of Veni Papayannopoulos is available. We are looking for a bright and highly motivated researcher to join a small but driven team that studies the mechanisms that regulate inflammation during infection and sterile inflammatory disease.

Much of our work focuses on neutrophils and their interaction with other immune cells. We study neutrophil biology at the biochemical, cell biological and organismal level.

The successful applicant will employ a variety of techniques to investigate novel roles for neutrophils in immunity and inflammation associated with the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, septic shock and allergies. This research builds upon prior work that has identified mechanisms that enable neutrophils to drive atherosclerosis but also to distinguish between different pathogens and tune inflammation for efficient pathogen clearance.

A suitable applicant must have excellent communication and organisational skills and must hold a PhD or near completing a PhD in a relevant area. Excellent scientific written skills are necessary. The applicant should have already performed interesting and conceptually stimulating work that has resulted in a first author publication or in the process of being published. This position is funded by the laboratory’s Crick core funding, but the applicant will be encouraged to apply for fellowships.


About us

The Francis Crick Institute is a biomedical discovery institute dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and disease. Its work is helping to understand why disease develops and to translate discoveries into new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, infections, and neurodegenerative diseases.

An independent organisation, its founding partners are the Medical Research Council (MRC), Cancer Research UK, Wellcome, UCL (University College London), Imperial College London and King’s College London.

The Crick was formed in 2015, and in 2016 it moved into a new state-of-the-art building in central London which brings together 1500 scientists and support staff working collaboratively across disciplines, making it the biggest biomedical research facility under in one building in Europe.

The Francis Crick Institute will be world-class with a strong national role. Its distinctive vision for excellence includes commitments to collaboration; developing emerging talent and exporting it the rest of the UK; public engagement; and helping turn discoveries into treatments as quickly as possible to improve lives and strengthen the economy.



