
您的位置:中國博士人才網(wǎng) > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 紐約大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院龍承祖實驗室2018年6月博士后招聘



時間:2018-06-11來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:shenqian

紐約大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院心內(nèi)科以及Kimmel干細(xì)胞生物學(xué)中心龍承祖實驗室現(xiàn)招聘博士后以及訪問學(xué)生學(xué)者。我們運用基于CRISPR系統(tǒng)的基因編輯技術(shù)定點高效修復(fù)肌萎縮動物模型以及病人干細(xì)胞分化3D心臟組織中引起病變的基因,成功的恢復(fù)了肌肉以及心臟的正常功能 [Science345 (6201), 1184-1188;Science328 (5974), 94-98;Science Translational Medicine9 (418), eaan8081;ScienceAdvances3 (4), e1602814;Science Advances4 (1), eaap9004]。我們正進一步結(jié)合分子生物學(xué),干細(xì)胞技術(shù)及蛋白質(zhì)組學(xué)等多種手段將該項研究成果拓展到大型動物疾病模型以及病人的心肌細(xì)胞修復(fù)等轉(zhuǎn)化醫(yī)學(xué)研究中。該研究也為運用基因編輯技術(shù)治療其他心血管遺傳病提供新思路和理論依據(jù)[JAMA neurology73 (11), 1349-1355;Physiological Reviews98 (3), 1205-1240]


紐約大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院成立于1841年。在最新的U.S. News & World Report排名中位列全美醫(yī)學(xué)院科研第三名。實驗室以及醫(yī)學(xué)院將提供具有前瞻性的課題,充足的科研保障,方便的住房安排以及良好的生活福利待遇。實驗室坐落在國際大都會紐約城曼哈頓島東岸,具有良好的文化氛圍和活躍的科研合作環(huán)境。


Genome Editing to Model and Treat Monogenic Diseases

Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately in the laboratory of Chengzu Long, PhD, at NYU Langone’s Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology and Helen L. and Martin S.KimmelCenter for Stem Cell Biology. Our projects focus on advancing the novel genome-editing technology to model and treat cardiac and neuromuscular diseases. For more information, see JAMA Neurology 2016.

Monogenic disorders affect millions of people worldwide. The recent advance in novel precision genome-editing technologies and human pluripotent stem cell biology are revolutionizing our approach to study the pathology of diseases and eventually to develop the potential therapeutics for these diseases. Using Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) system-mediated genome editing, we successfully prevented muscular dystrophy in the mouse model. For more information, see Science 2014 and Science 2016.

We are optimizing genome-editing strategies on the culprit genes in patients’ cardiomyocytes, three-dimensional engineered heart muscle (for more information, see Science Advances 2018)

The ideal candidate holds a PhD and/or MD in biological sciences or biomedical-related fields. Candidates with expertise in stem cell biology and neuroscience are particularly encouraged to apply.

To apply or to obtain more information about this position, please contact Dr. Long atchengzu.long@nyumc.org. Applicants should include a CV, brief statement of research background, and names of three references.

NYU School of Medicine ranked no. 3 in the nation out of 144 medical schools nationwide on the 2018–2019 “Best Graduate Schools” list issued by U.S. News & World Report. NYU School of Medicine is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering diversity for postdoctoral fellows in the workplace. Our positions offer competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and eligibility for student housing.



