A position for a postdoctoral research fellow is available immediately at Brigham & Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School in Boston, in the Department of Surgery – Urology Research Laboratory.
We seek a highly motivated and skilled candidate to study signaling pathways (including androgen receptor signaling, WNT signaling, DNA repair pathways) in prostate cancer development and progression and to develop more effective therapeutic strategies for castration-resistant prostate cancer using preclinical models. The potential candidate should possess a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent), and have a solid background in cancer biology, biochemistry, and genomics. The experience in ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, CRISPR/Cas9 and basic bioinformatics is preferred. Salary will be according to NIH guidelines.
Applicants should email a CV, including contact information for three referees, and a short statement describing experience, goals and reasons for the interest in this position to: Dr. Li Jia (ljia@bwh.harvard.edu)