We are seeking for three highly motivated individuals with a strong publication record to work in an Interdisciplinary. Collaborative Project. The candidates must be self-motivated and able to work independently but also to work efficiently in a team setting.
The Grøtli lab at University of Gothenburg focus on the use of synthetic organic chemistry to produce novel compounds for the study of complex cellular pathways in cell biology and medicine. Such compounds are interesting both as potential therapeutics and as experimental tools for understanding the physiological roles of the target proteins. Two types of compounds are of special interest: probes for visualization (e.g. fluorescence-based sensors for detection of enzymatic activity in vivo and in vitro; fluorescent-nucleic acid base analogues), and probes for selective perturbation of biological processes (e.g. kinase inhibitors).
The Borén lab at University of Gothenburg has a longterm interest in lipid metabolism and specifically focuses on defining the mechanisms that regulate secretion and metabolism of atherogenic lipoproteins and clarify their atherogenicity; to develop strategies to prevent retention of atherogenic lipoproteins and identity novel biomarkers for cardiovascular disease; and to elucidate how cardiac uptake of lipoproteins induces lipotoxicity and insulin resistance. His research program is translational and involves both in vitro and in vivo studies, including pathophysiological studies and mouse models, and kinetic studies in carefully phenotyped human volunteers.
The Mardinoglu Lab at SciLifeLab develop Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) for human cells/tissues and employ these comprehensive models in the analysis of the omics data obtained from subjects with complex diseases including obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and certain types of cancer (e.g. Hepatocellular Carcinoma). This is an exciting area of biomedical research, driven by the increase of common metabolic disorders as well as recent discoveries of metabolic reprogramming in cancer.
One Postdoctoral scholarship in Medicinal Chemistry
The target kinase has been identified by the Mardinoglu group using Systems Biology and the successful candidates will develop inhibitors/activators targeting this specific kinase under the supervision of Prof. Morten Grøtli. Candidates will develop multistep synthesis of hits identified by high throughput screening in order to study structure-activity relationships, with guidance from computer-based design and biological testing. The project will be carried out at Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg (UGOT) under supervision of Prof. Morten Grøtli (Grøtli lab) and Ass. Prof. Adil Mardinoglu (Mardinoglu Lab). The project will provide an opportunity to practice cutting edge medicinal chemistry in an interdisciplinary context that directly impacts the discovery of new therapeutics.
• Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree in the field of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry or chemical biology.
• Applicants must demonstrate a strong background in in synthetic organic chemistry.
• Applicants should show a strong publication record reflecting knowledge of and interest in synthesis of bioactive compounds.
Written application is to be sent via e-mail to the Prof. Morten Grøtli (grotli@chem.gu.se).
One Postdoctoral scholarship in Cellular and Experimental Biology
Borén lab at Institute of Medicine, University of Gothenburg seeks one Postdoctoral fellow in Cellular and Experimental Biology to perform cell culture studies to support ongoing drug discovery programs. The candidate is expected to perform experiments using newly developed compounds in mammalian cell cultures, as well as studies with genetically modified mice at the Wallenberg Laboratory for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research at University of Gothenburg under supervision of Prof. Jan Borén, in close collaboration with Prof. Morten Grøtli (Grøtli lab) and Ass. Prof. Adil Mardinoglu (Mardinoglu Lab).
A successful candidate must have extensive experience with cell biology laboratory techniques and have extensive experience in handling cell cultures and performing related tasks including:
• Responsibility for cell culture of hepatoma cell lines and liver primary cells as well as adherence to quality control schedules for ensuring consistency of cell culture materials.
• Experience working with genetically modified mice, including preparation of primary hepatocytes, is a merit.
• Transduction/transfection of cells, purification and extraction of proteins and RNA, as well as subsequent protein analysis (Western blot, ELISA), and RNA expression analysis (rtPCR, qPCR).
• Performance of laboratory protocol studies, including calculations and data analysis.
• Accurate and reliable record keeping including database management, batch records, notebooks, and all pertinent documentation.
Written application is to be sent via e-mail to Prof. Jan Borén (jan.boren@wlab.gu.se).
One Postdoctoral positions in Systems Biology
Mardinoglu lab at SciLifeLab seeks for one Postdoctoral fellow in Systems Biology of human disease with strong computational skills to integrate the GEMs with other biological networks including regulatory, signalling and protein-protein interactions (PPIs) networks. The candidates will use these integrated networks in the analysis of the omics data obtained from different clinical conditions to identify drug targets and discover biomarker for the development of the efficient treatment strategies. The candidates will be working with closely collaborated the experimental groups as well as number of big pharma companies. The postdoc will be hosted at SciLifeLab, Stockholm under supervision of Ass. Prof. Adil Mardinoglu.
The candidates are expected to perform research in Systems Biology, Systems Medicine, Network Medicine and Bioinformatics. The candidates should be highly motivated for doing scientific research related to human diseases and should have well developed analytical and problem solving skills. The candidates should have a strong background in applied mathematics and bioinformatics, especially in network models / graph theory and analysis of the Next-generation sequencing data. The candidates should also be adept at programming numerical algorithms in languages such as MatLab, R and Python.
Written application is to be sent via e-mail to the Ass. Prof. Adil Mardinoglu (adilm@scilifelab.se).
To be eligible for a post-doc scholarship, the recipient must hold a PhD degree within a relevant field and PhD degree must have been completed no more than five years before the application deadline.
Written application must include the following:
1. CV
2. Personal letter stating the reasons why the study suits the applicant (maximum one page)
3. List of publications and a link for Google scholar
4. Contact information for two references
Application deadline: July 30, 2018
Start date: According to agreement, as soon as possible is desirable
Scholarship period: The scholarship covers a period of 12 months with possibility of prolongation up to a maximum of 24 months in total.