21 postdoctoral positions – msca cofund all fields of research : Brussels, Belgium
Job description
The Université libre de Bruxelles offers a fellowship programme, IF@ULB (http://if-at-ulb.ulb.be), COFUNDed by ULB and the European Commission within the framework of MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE actions (H2020). The first call IF@ULB will enable ULB to recruit 21 postdoctoral researchers in one of the ULB research centres. The positions are open to researchers in all fields, according to a bottom up approach. The evaluation procedure will be organised through three panels: Social Sciences and Humanities, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Life Sciences.
The programme IF@ULB offers a unique opportunity to develop your career in the heart of Europe, in a university renowned for its excellence in research, innovation and education.
The procedure for submission as well as the evaluation and selection process are available on IF@ULB website: http://if-at-ulb.ulb.be
- Candidates of any nationality and of any age
- Holders of a PhD degree, with maximum 7 years of postdoctoral experience at the date of the call deadline.
- Applicants without a PhD, provided they have documented full-time equivalent research experience of minimum 4 and maximum 11 years prior to the call deadline.
- Eligible applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 12 months during the 3 years preceding the call deadline.
- Eligible applicants should not have benefited from another postdoctoral fellowship in Belgium for more than 6 months by the date of the call deadline.
Each successful IF@ULB fellow will be granted a 2-year fellowship. The fellows will work in an environment of excellence under the supervision of renowned experts and thereby will increase their field-scientific knowledge.
IF@ULB fellows will benefit from a triple dimension of mobility:
1. International mobility: the University highly encourages international collaboration. IF@ULB fellows will benefit from the network of their supervisors and vice versa, thus opening up new international collaboration opportunities that will outlast the duration of the fellowships.
2. Interdisciplinarity is a major concern of the research policy of the ULB and post-doctoral fellows will therefore be very much exposed to different disciplines in most of the laboratories and departments where they will conduct their projects.
3. Inter-sectorial exposure will be ensured via the well-established collaborations and interactions between ULB research units and industry and societal stakeholders in all fields of research.
Moreover, the programme IF@ULB will offer to each successful candidate an individual career development programme adapted to his or her needs. It will include research training, transferable soft skills training and a personalised career guidance (individual development plan, individual coaching).
Finally, the detailed financial conditions are available in the Guide for Applicants on IF@ULB website: https://if-at-ulb.ulb.be/storage/files/guide-for-applicants-v3.pdf