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時間:2018-08-20來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:shenqian

Information about the research/the projectIn our modern world we have become completely dependent on electronic displays for information spread. In many countries, people stare at different kinds of displays for up to 10 h per day or more. However, ordinary emissive displays (LED and LCD) are based on light emission and consume a considerable amount of power. Further, their visibility in bright daylight is poor unless the brightness (and thus power consumption) is increased even further. Many people also experience eye discomfort when reading on emissive displays and their light our sleeping habits.In order to solve these problems, one can use displays that simply reflect the light of the ambient environment, also known as “electronic paper” technologies. The most known is the Kindle electronic reader from Amazon, which is excellent for reading text in black and white. Still, there are no technologies for electronic paper in color available on the market today. Our research aims to achieve this goal by developing new types of ultrathin materials which have intense colors that can be controlled electrically. In brief, we use nanostructures in metals to produce the colors and conductive polymers to regulate the reflected light from the surface. The work involves fabrication of the nanostructures, chemical functionalization of the surface and evaluation of the performance by spectroscopy and electrochemical control.

Please check this webpage for further information about the research activities:http://www.adahlin.com Note that this project is a collaboration with the group of organic electronics at Linköping University:https://liu.se/en/research-area/organic-electronics

Major responsibilities
Your duty as a postdoc is to conduct research in your project. The postiion is an excellent step on an academic career track.

Position summary
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).

The main mandatory qualification is a PhD degree not older than 3 years. Experience that can be considered beneficial for succeeding with the project is additionally positive.

As a candidate you may come from almost any scientific discipline, although we expect mainly students with a background in physics and materials science or electronics. Regardless, you must be open minded to learn new techniques and theories even if it deviates from your background. Further, as a researcher you must be capable of working, thinking and acquiring information in an independent manner. You also need to be a good team player and capable of handling communication with international collaborators. You are expected to provide clear presentations of your results in written form and at conferences worldwide. Thus, excellent English in written and spoken form is mandatory. However, the most important requirement is, by far, a dedicated mind with a true passion for science and technology!

Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Our offer to you
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the dynamic city of Gothenburg.
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20180437 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files, as below:
CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number) including:
• 1-3 pages where you introduce yourself and present your qualifications.• Previous research fields and main research results.
• Future goals and research focus. Are there any specific projects and research issues you are primarily interested in?Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. The files may be compressed (zipped).

Application deadline: 30 September, 2018

For questions, please contact: Andreas Dahlin, Applied Chemistry, adahlin@chalmers.se,
+46 707632779

  • Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *

Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in engineering sciences, architecture, technology-related mathematical sciences, natural and nautical sciences, working in close collaboration with industry and society. The strategy for scientific excellence focuses on our eight Areas of Advance; Building Futures, Energy, Information & Communication Technology, Life Science, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Production and Transport. The aim is to make an active contribution to a sustainable future using the basic sciences as a foundation and innovation and entrepreneurship as the central driving forces. Chalmers has around 11,000 students and 3,000 employees. New knowledge and improved technology have characterised Chalmers since its foundation in 1829, completely in accordance with the will of William Chalmers and his motto: Avancez!


