A fully-funded PostDoc position is available in the newly established lab ofDr. Jan Krumsiek at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) in NYC. The lab’s research is focused on the computational analysis of metabolomics and multi-omics data using advanced pathway and network methods. This PostDoc project will focus on novel methods for the integrated analysis of heterogeneous biomedical data, including published omics associations (GWAS, EWAS, MWAS), metabolic pathway networks, regulatory networks, and newly analyzed datasets from WCM.
The position will be part of the highly translational, interdisciplinary Englander Institute of Precision Medicine, which brings together computational biologists and clinicians in a collaborative environment. Moreover, the PostDoc researcher will be part of a vibrant network of international metabolomics experts from New York, Germany, England, and Qatar.
Applicants should hold a PhD (or be within ~6 months of holding a PhD) in the area of computational biology, bioinformatics, systems biology, or a related area. The ideal candidate will have experience in statistical programming languages (R, Python etc.), the analysis of omics datasets, and machine learning and data mining.
Further information about the lab: http://krumsieklab.org