Postdoctoral Research Associates – Jinghui Zhang Lab
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Memphis, TN
Multiple Postdoctoral Research Associate positions are immediately available in the laboratory of Dr. Jinghui Zhang, chair of the Department of Computational Biology. We are seeking highly motivated and creative candidates to lead the discovery and/or methods development in the following areas: a) non-coding driver variants that affect gene regulation in the context of predisposition, initiation, and progression of pediatric cancer; b) clonal evolution of relapsed cancer; and c) genomic cloud, clinical data integration and visualization. The candidates will have access to the large collection of genomic and epigenetic data generated from pediatric cancer patients, 3D genome technology such as Hi-C/Capture C, long-read sequencing platform, and state-of-art visualization tools. The successful candidate will have a strong interest in quantitative data analysis or data visualization with formal training in one of the following areas: genomics, bioinformatics, computer science, genetics, or cancer biology. Computer programming skills are preferred and interest or experience in genome analysis is a plus.
Successful candidates are expected to excel at critical thinking, be quick learners for new analytical approaches, and capable of applying or developing novel computational methods for solving complex problems. Candidates must have a doctoral degree (PhD or MD), an excellent publication record, interest in computational analysis, and great communication skills. The lab will provide working experience for a fellow who is interested in leading or participating in all aspects of cancer omics studies via multi-disciplinary teamwork. Each fellow will have opportunities to interact with leaders in the fields of pediatric cancer, epigenetics and translational research within and outside the institution. Inter-disciplinary training will be provided to broaden or strengthen computational or biological expertise.
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply at
Recognized as a world leader of genomic research in pediatric cancer, the Zhang lab has led the characterization of the genomic landscape for over 20 subtypes of pediatric cancers with high-impact publications in Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Methods, JAMA, Cancer Cell, and NEJM in the last five years. The lab has a well-established track record of developing and publishing novel and high-impact analytical and visualization tools for cancer genomic research. Research in the lab is facilitated by access to the wealth of high-quality data, St. Jude Genomics Cloud, state-of-art high performance computing facility, novel analytical pipelines, latest genomic assay technology, and scientific expertise in genomics, cancer biology, mathematics, and computer science.
St. Jude provides a highly interactive and supportive environment for researchers’ career development.
Contact Information
Jinghui Zhang, PhD
Chair, Department of Computational Biology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
262 Danny Thomas Place
Memphis, TN 38105