Postdoctoral Position - Antigen-Specific T Cells in Human Immunity to Tuberculosis : San Francisco, CA, United States
Postdoctoral Position
Antigen-specific T cells in human immunity to tuberculosis
A postdoctoral position is available in the Ernst Laboratory in the UCSF Division of Experimental Medicine to identify mechanisms of protective immunity to tuberculosis in humans, focused on antigen specific T cells. The incumbent will have primary responsibility for design, execution, and interpretation of experiments using high-parameter flow cytometry and single cell RNA sequencing, to analyze samples from subjects from international sites, in the laboratory at UCSF. Responsibilities include design and execution of experiments with T cells with distinct antigen specificities, data analysis using advanced bioinformatics, and design of further experiments to identify mechanisms of protective immunity in humans.
Required qualifications:
• Ph.D. degree in immunology or a closely-related field
• Documented experience with multiparameter flow cytometry and associated big data analysis
• Documented experience with isolation and culture of primary cells, especially T cells
Preferred qualifications:
Two or more years working in human immunology, especially T cell immunology
Experience with bioinformatics analyses of large datasets, such as RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq, and/or T cell receptor diversity.
About the Division:
The Division of Experimental Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco focuses on immunity to infectious diseases of global importance. Through multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches, we study immunity to infectious agents that affect large human populations, e.g., HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, with the goal of contributing to control and elimination of these diseases.
Interested candidates should send their CV and statement of interests and research goals to:
For more information on the Division of Experimental Medicine, see:……