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時間:2018-09-13來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

Postdoctoral Fellow : Chicago, IL, United States

  Exciting postdoctoral training opportunity studying B cell immunity to infectious diseases at the University of Chicago

  The Wilson lab is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to investigate human B cell and antibody responses to infectious diseases with an emphasis on influenza.

  This NIH-funded position will involve studies of B lymphocyte and antibody responses to infectious diseases, particularly influenza. With an emphasis on understanding B cell biology to improve or develop novel vaccines, the position will involve use of technologies such as flow cytometry, single-cell transcriptomics (i.e., 10x Genomics technology), plus generation and characterization of human monoclonal antibodies. Candidates should have completed a doctorate level degree and have a strong background in immunology and/or vaccinology, preferably related to B cells and antibodies. The successful candidate should have documented success in research including publications in international journals on relevant topics. Compensation is dependent upon qualifications. The University provides a generous package of fringe benefits.

  Applicants should submit an application package that includes a cover letter, CV, relevant prior publications, code samples, and contact information for three references to Patrick Wilson, at wilsonp@uchicago.edu.

  Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled….



