The Hannover Medical School (MHH), Clinic of Hematology, Homeostasis, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation offers a position as
Postdoc (m/f): Production of Monoclonal Antibodies using Humanized Mice
The Hannover Medical School, founded in 1965, is one of the world's leading university medical centres and is a site of excellence for biomedical research in Germany. Our research and patient care sets national and international standards. We are also part of an excellent regional medical network. Our outstanding success in interdisciplinary collaboration both within the MHH and with extramural scientific institutions is reflected in the fact that the MHH is the German medical university with the greatest volume of grant funding.
This position of the Regenerative Immune Therapies Applied Laboratory within the Excellence ClusterREBIRTH is financed by the Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung/Centre fro Infection Research (DZIF). The research will be conducted in collaboration with the Helmholtz Zentrum München Research Unit Gene Vectors. The translational project is headed by a consortium with expertise in Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV). As its overarching goal, the consortium will create novel fully human neutralizing monoclonal antibodies improve the survival of immune compromised patients with EBV or HCMVreactivations.
For further information, please visit the following links:
The postdoc position is available by 01.01.2019 and funded for two years.
Deadline for applications is the 30.11.2018.
Your task:
The post-doc’s task is to optimize the generation of human antibodies reactive against EBV and HCMV in order to obtain a portfolio of human neutralizing monoclonal antibodies for future clinical use. The postdoc will co-lead and participate in experiments with the team members and co-manage the services provided by consortium partners in order to reach the defined targets within the calculated time and budget. The postdoc will report to the consortium partners and write reports and documentations for the funding agency (DZIF).
PhD or MD/PhD title obtained within last 3 years, qualified for experiments with mice (FELASA B certificate), team leading skills and strong publication record. Candidates should have demonstrated solid previous experience with: mouse handling (human hematopoietic stem cell transfer, virus infections, immunizations, collection of tissues, optical imaging analyses, histology), immunologic analyses (multicolor flow cytometry for characterization of human T and B cells, B cell immortalization, IgG ELISA, antibody neutralization assays), molecular biology (lentiviral vector construction and production, single cell RNA sequencing), bioinformatics (BCR analyses in silico). Excellent organizational skills, initiative, responsibility, team-work, fluency (verbal and written) in English and German, experience in writing animal study protocols, computer skills for data analyses and presentation and reports (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, GraphPad Prism, SAP).
The salary will be based on the university pay scheme for researchers (m/f) and will be dependent on personal qualification (up to 100 % TV-L 13 – 38,5 hours per week). The Hannover Medical School is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities are treated with preference given comparable qualification.
If you are interested in applying, send by email a cover letter explaining your motivation, CV, certificates and names of 3 persons able to provide reference letters to:
Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke,
Please do not send paper applications with original documents.
Hannover Medical School
Klinik für Hämatologie, Hämostaseologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation
OE 6862
Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
telephone number +49 511 532 6999