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時間:2018-09-17來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

 Post-doctoral Researcher in Nanomagnetic Imaging: Basel, Switzerland

  We seek a talented and ambitious Post-doctoral Researcher interested in mesoscopic magnetic imaging experiments based on scanning nanometer-scale superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). Building on the pioneering work of the Zeldov group (Weizmann Institute) 1,2, we now produce and employ state-of-the-art SQUID-on-tip (SOT) as magnetic scanning probes here at the Poggio Lab in Basel (https://poggiolab.unibas.ch) 3. These devices, which feature a nanometer-scale SQUID on the apex of a sharp scanning probe tip, have magnetic field sensitivities down to 5 nT/Hz1/2, spatial resolutions better than 50 nm, and unmatched thermal sensitivities down to 1 uK/Hz1/2.

  With such exquisite resolution and sensitivity, we plan to study a number of phenomena, including conduction in the presence of impurities, viscous electron flow in graphene, and a range of quantum transport effects, including topological conduction and the spin Hall effect. High resolution imaging could directly confirm the existence of edge-channels in a number of topologically non-trivial materials. For example, imaging current with sub-micrometer resolution in graphene would help identify and investigate edge currents associated with guided states. In addition, the scanning SOT can be used to image nanometer-scale magnetic structures such as domain walls, magnetic vortices, and magnetic skyrmions, whose equilibrium configurations and dynamical properties are crucial for both fundamental understanding and spintronic applications.

  The sensitivity of the scanning SOT to local temperature adds further possibilities, including the imaging of thermoelectric and spin-thermoelectric effects on nanometer-scale. The ultra-sensitive cryogenic thermal imaging allowed by this new scanning probe could also be applied to studies of energy dissipation in mesoscopic transport systems, including graphene, topological insulators, and two-dimensional electron gases.

  The Department of Physics (https://physik.unibas.ch) at the University of Basel offers a stimulating and collaborative environment with internationally recognized research groups active in both experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics. Our group (https://poggiolab.unibas.ch) is part of the NCCR: Quantum Science and Technology (QSIT) (https://www.qsit.ethz.ch) and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (https://www.nanoscience.ch).

  Post-doctoral candidates with previous SQUID or low-temperature scanning probe microscopy are preferred. A Ph.D. in physics or a related field is required. Applications should include the candidate’s CV and at least 1 letter of reference. Applications and reference letters should be sent directly to Prof. Poggio (martino.poggio@unibas.ch).

  1 Finkler et al., Nano Lett. 10, 1046 (2010); Vasyukov et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 8, 639 (2013).

  2 Halbertal et al., Nature 539, 407 (2016); Halbertal et al., Science 358, 6368 (2017),

  3 Vasyukov,… Poggio et al., Nano Lett. 18, 964 (2018)….


