Postdoctoral Research Associate-Cell Biology of Neural Development: Memphis, TN, United States
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is a world-renowned institution that is recognized as one of the best places to work in the nation. As a premier center for research and treatment of childhood catastrophic diseases, we employ a diverse team of scientific and healthcare professionals dedicated to the promise of hope. Children from all 50 states and from around the world have come through the doors of St. Jude for treatment, and thousands more have benefited from our research.
Neuronal polarity is an essential driving force that coordinates the choreography of neural development. How polarity signaling organizes the behavior of immature neurons, in addition to how polarity signaling cascades are regulated are the key topics studied by the Solecki laboratory. These questions are critical to understand the pathology of neurodevelopmental diseases, where the production of neurons or their subsequent migration is defective.
Exciting postdoctoral positions are available immediately Solecki lab at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for talented and highly motivated individuals interested in understanding the cell biology of neuronal polarity or the regulation of nuclear architecture during neuronal differentiation. The Solecki Lab takes a multidisciplinary approach via cutting edge imaging technologies like lattice light sheet (LLS) microscopy or correlative super-resolution electron microscopy (CLEM) and computational approaches to mechanistically analyze the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling neuronal differentiation, migration and polarization.
Candidates should have (or expect) a Ph.D. and/or M.D. and should have a strong background in cell biology, neuroscience, or biophysics. This position is an ideal opportunity for either (1) a cell biologist well versed in quantitative live cell light microscopy whom would like to expand their research topic into neuronal cell biology or tissue morphogenesis, (2) a molecular biologist with experience in genomics approaches to understand epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation with an interest to link that knowledge to the cell biology of nuclear organization using high resolution microscopy. (3) a biophysics oriented candidate that would like to apply traction force measurements and finite element analysis to understand how neurons alter adhesive affinities during key steps in their motility.
To apply for this position, submit the online application, and send a C.V. and 3 letters of recommendation to: David J. Solecki, PhD, Department of Structural Biology, Mail Stop 311, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105, USA,
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Contact Information
David Solecki, PhD
Associate Member, Department of Neurobiology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
262 Danny Thomas Place, MS 322
Memphis, TN 38105
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is an Equal Opportunity Employer.