Post-doctoral position in the RNA and Autophagy group : Copenhagen, Denmark
A Post-doctoral position is open in the RNA and Autophagy group at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center
The group and our research
We offer an exciting job in an international environment within a newly formed group at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center. In the RNAand Autophagy group, we aim to understand fundamental biological mechanisms in mammalian cells and investigate how these become perturbed in the development of cancer.
The project
The successful Post-doctoral candidate will work under the supervision of Group leader, Lisa Frankel. The project will explore the functional interplay between RNA, translation and autophagy and the biological importance of this cross-regulation in normal biology and in cancer.
We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic candidate with the following qualifications:
A PhD degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, human biology or similar
Strong experience in general cellular and molecular biology techniques
Experience with confocal/electron/high-throughput microscopy is an advantage
Basic bioinformatic skills is an advantage
Knowledge about autophagy and translation is an advantage
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
Good publication record in the area of cancer/cell biology/molecular biology
Place of employment and work
We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in a dynamic and international research environment. The laboratories are recently completely renovated and equipped with modern interior and state-of-the-art technology, located in a pleasant, smoke-free environment. We have weekly journal clubs, data clubs and seminars with invited speakers as well as well-functioning administrative and technical support. We offer several benefits for the personnel, such as a health-conscious canteen, a daily selection of free fruit and sport activities. The everyday working language in the laboratory is English.
Start: January 1st 2019
Terms of salary and employment
We offer a three-year contract position: 37 hours per week with lunch break included. Salary will be provided according to the current agreements between the Danish Cancer Society and the relevant trade union.
Additional information
More information can be obtained directly from Lisa Frankel, email:, tlf: +45 26803257
See also:
Application and closing date for applications
The deadline for application is October 15th, 2018. The selected candidates will be invited for a personal interview.
The application should be written in English and must be submitted electronically through our website:
The application should contain:
A motivation letter
Curriculum vitae (including education, research experience, publications, language skills and other relevant information for the position)
A copy of the PhD diploma