The Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) is an international research institute focusing on human genomics and personalized medicine at the Helsinki Institute for Life Science of the University of Helsinki. FIMM integrates molecular medicine research and technology and biobanking infrastructures under one roof, promoting translational research in grand challenge projects, specifically, the impact of genome information in personalized health and medicine, individualized cancer medicine, and novel imaging-based biomedicine.
FIMM is a member of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, together with the Danish Research Institute for Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE), Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), and Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM). The Partnership is dedicated to excellence in molecular medicine and life science research that investigates the molecular basis of disease and explores molecular and genetic based treatments, with each institute bringing a unique set of expertise, skills, and facilities encompassing the recognized research strengths of the EMBL.
FIMM postdoctoral researchers benefit from the FIMMPOD professional developmental program, which aims to enhance research experiences and career opportunities ( As part of a joint Nordic EMBLPartnership call for Postdoctoral Researchers, FIMMPOD is now seeking outstanding international candidates for two Postdoctoral Researcher positions. Applications are sought in the areas of 1) computational systems medicine and 2) epigenetics of complex diseases and traits. Details can be found at
The Computational Systems Medicine group led by Tero Aittokallio focuses on developing and applying integrated computational-experimental approaches for the prediction of system-level phenotypic responses to genetic and chemical perturbations. The current research topics include 1) machine learning modelling for drug response prediction, 2) identification of synthetic lethal interactions and drug combinations for anticancer treatment, and 3) mining of clinical and molecular markers predictive of medical outcomes. The Computational Systems Medicine group is seeking an outstanding postdoctoral candidate with a strong data modelling track record and a particular interest in large-scale data analysis to work on projects related to the group's areas of interest.
The Epigenetics of Complex Diseases and Traits research group led by Miina Ollikainen is focused on understanding epigenetic variation in complex traits and diseases, such as smoking, alcohol use, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. The research of the group applies statistical epigenomics approaches utilizing genome-wide DNA methylation and histone modification data, genotype data, and the wealth of phenotypic data from the well-characterized Finnish Twin Cohort and large-scale population-based cohorts. The projects aim at assessing genetic and epigenetic alterations and their interaction with pertinent environmental or lifestyle exposures to obtain more precise estimates of their individual and joint effects on common disease risk. The group is seeking outstanding candidates with strong data analysis background and an interest in large-scale epigenetic analyses for one postdoctoral researcher position.
Eligibility and Requirements
Candidates are expected to hold a PhD degree in a suitable field and be fluent in English. Please see the specific calls for applications at the FIMM website ( and the University of Helsinki website ( for comprehensive position descriptions and details on the application procedure.
Application deadline is 28.10.2018 at 23.59 EEST. Applications are submitted by completing the online application form and submitting a CV and a cover letter as a single PDF file (max 5 pages) in English at: .Review of applications will begin after the close of the call and applicants will be notified of the results of the preliminary review in early November.
For further information about the positions, please contact the group leaders: Tero Aittokallio (, Miina Ollikainen ( For further information about the call or the FIMMPOD Postdoctoral and Senior Researcher Program, please contact Heidi Virtanen (