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時間:2018-09-26來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

  Cultivating the Next Leaders and Scholars

  The Ohio State University President’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program (PPSP)

  The Ohio State University President’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program, supported by the Office of the President, attracts highly qualified postdoctoral trainees who will become leaders in their fields to advance their research and scholarly efforts as fellows at Ohio State. This program supports further scholarly training of PhDs and terminal degree holders who wish to pursue careers in research and creative expression as well as providing professional development opportunities and faculty mentoring. Salary support, benefits (health insurance, paid leave) and research-related and program travel expenses will be provided by the Office of the President (OTP) and the scholar’s faculty mentor/sponsor college.

  Step 1: Find a faculty mentor/advisor. You can use EngageOSU (osu.academicanalytics.com) or the Ohio Innovation Exchange (www.ohioinnovationexchange.org) to identify researchers in your area with whom you would like to train.

  Step 2: Have your faculty mentor/advisor submit a short letter of intent by November 1, 2018

  Step 3: Work with your faculty mentor/advisor to gather the materials for the nomination package. The faculty mentor/advisor must submit a complete nomination by December 3, 2018

  For more details visit research.osu.edu/ppsp

  Questions can be sent to osupostdocs@osu.edu


