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時間:2018-10-10來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名



  The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is now launching a novel  postdoctoral programme – BRIDGE Translational Excellence Programme  aiming to train postdoctoral fellows mentored by top level professionals  in research, medicine and life science industry.

  The programme will provide the fellows with the ability to  translate insights from the basic into the clinical sciences and vice  versa and the training to manage the essential collaboration between  disciplines.

  The programme will cover the translational stages T0  (Population/clinic to lab feedback, Disease modelling –omic studies,  Basic research), T1 (Biomarker discovery, Target development,  Pre-clinical development) and border to early T2 (First in human, Phase 1  clinical trials, Phase 2 clinical trials, Phase 2b clinical trials).

  Now the first 11 positions in the form of 2–years salaried  postdoctoral fellowships in translational medicine are available. The  fellows will spend 80 % of their time on individual translational  research projects mentored by a mentor team consisting of a basic  biomedical scientist and a clinical scientist from a hospital or life  science industry. And the fellows will spend 20 % of their time on a  mandatory academic curriculum, that will cover the translational  process, and also teach generic skills such as research management and  leadership, ethics, communication and grant writing.

  Please visit the BRIDGE website for more information.

  The fellowships must commence April 1st, 2019.

  Application deadline: December 15th, 2018

  Requirements for applicants

  Applicants must have an MD and a PhD or equivalent (proof of an  appointment that requires doctoral equivalency) or have an MSc and a PhD  within a relevant discipline such as veterinary science, biology,  biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics, pharmacy, dentistry or  medical engineering.

  MSc-PhD applicants must have a max. PhD-age of approximately 4  years at the time of fellowship commencement. Documented periods of  leave (parental leave, leave due to sickness and military service) can  be deducted from the PhD-age.

  Please note: due to Danish legislation, you are not eligible to  apply for the programme if you have been employed in a postdoctoral  position for more than two years at the University of Copenhagen prior  to the commencement of the fellowship.

  First step in the application process is to find a mentor team. You  may already be in contact with appropriate mentors, and if not please  browse through the list of mentor teams and project synopses.  Potential fellows should contact a mentor team, and if the match is  successful together develop a joint application for the program.

  If you are already in contact with an appropriate mentor team,  please note that it is an eligibility criterion that the mentor team is  listed on the programme website and approved by the University of  Copenhagen prior to call closure.

  Read about the requirements for mentor teams at the BRIDGE website

  Part 1 of the application for this call must be developed jointly  by the applicant and mentor team, whereas Part 2 must be composed by the  applicant independently.

  Find the requirements for the application and download the application templates here.

  Academic assessment of applications

  The received applications will be shortlisted and assessed  according to the Ministry Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at  Universities 2012 and the University of Copenhagen’s guidelines 2013.

  After the expiry of the application deadline, the authorized  recruitment manager selects applications for assessment based on the  advice of the Appointment Committee. The Appointment Committee is  composed of a subset of members of the Programme Executive Scientific Committee.

  All applicants are notified, whether their application has been  passed for assessment. The selected applicants are notified of the  composition of the Assessment Committee. The Assessment Committee makes a  non-prioritized assessment of the academic qualifications and  requirements of the fellows to match the individual research project.  Each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the  assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself.

  You can read about the recruitment process at http://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/

  Following the completion of the assessments, a subset of candidates  will be invited for an interview with the Appointment Committee.

  The interviews are scheduled January 29th and 30th 2019.

  Find the selection criteria that  the Appointment Committee will emphasise when shortlisting applications  and for the final selection of candidates for enrolment in the  programme.

  Application procedure

  Applications must be submitted online and via the link 'Apply now' below or via this advertisement found on https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/ no later than on December 15th, 2018.

  We reserve the right not to consider material received after the deadline, and not to consider applications or application material that do not live up to the abovementioned requirements.

  Financial composition of the fellowships

  The fellowship covers salary in accordance with the collective  agreement between AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations)  /Yngre Læger and the Ministry of Finance. The financing of running  costs for the individual research projects will be covered by the  hosting environments. Each fellow will in addition receive an annual sum  of DKK 50.000 during their 2 years employment to cover costs for PC,  travel, participation in meetings and conferences, and activities not  offered within the Programme.

  Successful fellowship recipients will be enrolled in the  Translational Excellence Programme and employed at the Faculty of Health  and Medical Sciences.

  Upon fulfilment of the course requirements and the individual  research project fellows will be awarded a certificate of excellence.

  For more information about the Translational Excellence Programme

  Please visit the Programme website or contact the Programme Coordinator.

  The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

  Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.


