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時間:2018-10-10來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

Research Associate / PostDoc

  At the Biotechnology Centre, an Institute of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), the Chair of Biophysics (Prof. Dr. Stephan Grill) is offering a position for a

  Reference to data protection: Your data protection rights, the purpose for which your data will be processed, as well as further information about data protection is available to you on the website:

  https: //tu-dresden.de/karriere/datenschutzhinweis

  Research Associate / PostDoc

  (Subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E-13 TV-L)

  as of 1st December 2018. The position is limited for 2 years with the possibility of a 2 years extension. The period of employment is governed by Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz-WissZeitVG). The position offers the chance to obtain further academic qualification.

  The Chair of Biophysics is interested in understanding the biophysical basis of morphogenesis. We combine theory and experiment, and investigate force generation on multiple scales (for more information see http://www.biotec.tu-dresden.de/research/grill.html).

  Tasks: She/he will work as a Postdoc on a challenging project involving the in vitroreconstitution of the actomyosin cortex to understand how active torques are generated at the molecular level, and how active torque generation in the actomyosin cortex drives chiral morphogenesis, e.g. during left/right axis establishment. This project is part of a recently funded ERC Advanced Grant “Chiral Morphogenesis – Physical Mechanisms of Actomyosin-Based Left/Right Symmetry Breaking in Biological Systems”.

  Requirements: We are seeking a highly motivated scientist to join the Chair of Biophysics and expect the following: university degree and Ph.D. in Biology / Biochemistry / Biophysics or related subject; hands-on experience with cell-free reconstitution systems; experience with protein biochemistry, including protein purification and analysis and with microscopy techniques and image analysis; familiar with actomyosin reconstitution and/or lipid biochemistry. The successful candidate is able to work independently and reliably, acquire new skills efficiently, is very well organized and enjoys working in an international team within a collaborative atmosphere. Most important is an interdisciplinary interest and the ability to tackle a biological problem with a combination of techniques. A general strong interest in quantitative approaches towards biological problems is essential. Good communication and interpersonal skills as well as a solid knowledge of English and high motivation are required.

  Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to people with disabilities.

  Please submit your application documents in English, including a letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, names of 2 referees, a brief summary of your thesis/postdoc work and copy of degree certificates until 01.11.2018 (stamped arrival date applies) to: TU Dresden, BIOTEC, Professur für Biophysik, Dr. Mara Catani, Tatzberg 47/49, 01307 Dresden, Germany or via the TU Dresden SecureMail Portal https://securemail.tu-dresden.de by sending it as a single pdf document to mara.catani@mailbox.tu-dresden.de. Please submit copies only, as your application will not be returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be reimbursed.


