Post-doctoral researcher (1 year) / Multielectron spectroscopy
Recruiter: University of Oulu
€Attractive | Finland | 01 Oct 2018
The University of Oulu is an international scientific community with approximately 14 000 students and 3000 employees. The strengths of the University are wide, multidisciplinary interests, a modern research and study environment, and good cooperation with international educational and research institutes.
The position is hosted at the Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit (NANOMO). The research is performed in highly international research environment with focus on molecular scale materials research and novel applications of spectroscopic and imaging techniques. The fundamental research relates to atmospheric chemistry, bio- and life sciences as well as novel nanomaterials for catalysis and energy. The research funding is obtained through European Union Horizon2020 program, Academy of Finland, China Scholarship council and other external sources. The unit coordinates the Finnish national participation at the new MAX IV synchrotron facility in Sweden and contributes to the European Free Electron Laser Eu-XFEL project.
Post-doctoral researcher (1 year)
The position is for a motivated physicist to continue the development of NANOMO’s magnetic bottle electron spectrometer setup for multielectron coincidence spectroscopy. The post-doctoral researcher will work with a PhD student dedicated to the project and in collaboration to spectroscopy team of the unit. The project relates to Academy of Finland project “Characterization of free-standing nanomaterials using novel light sources” which studies surface properties of clusters and nanoparticles – fundamental importance in physics and interest in many applied fields from atmospheric chemistry to materials science. Experiments will be mainly carried out at synchrotron radiation facilities. The development work is at NANOMO laboratory in Oulu which is equipped with various excitation sources, spectrometers and sample delivery systems.
The successful candidate has a doctoral degree (or studies and dissertation completed) in physics, chemistry or a related field. The candidate is expected to conduct high-level research and to take actively part in international scientific community and collaboration. Knowledge of synchrotron radiation, vacuum technology, and photoelectron (or ion) spectroscopy is required. The candidate should have fluent English, good oral and written communication skills, and ability to work as part of an international team.
The salary will be based on the level 5 – 6 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid. For more information on the salary system of the Finnish universities, please see
Apply online latest by October 15, 2018.
The application should be written in English. The following information needs to be included, preferably as a single pdf file: 1) A brief curriculum vitae including according to Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK): 2) List of publications 3) A brief research and action plan 4) Contact details of 2 to 4 persons available for recommendation 5) The applicant is encouraged to include his own citation indices (total number of citations and h index)
The position is filled as soon as possible after the closing of the call, latest at 1st of January 2019. The six months trial period is applied in the beginning of employment.
For further information, please contact: Prof. Marko Huttula, marko.huttula@oulu.fiDoc. Minna Patanen,
Apply here
Application deadline:15 Oct 2018