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時間:2018-10-15來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

The Max Planck Institute for Physics invites applications for a

  Postdoctoral position

  focused on R&D in connection with a future large scale neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ) experiment with the possibility to carry out data analysis on GERDAphase II data. This opening is part of the Collaborative Research Center CRC 1258 „Neutrinos and dark matter in astro and particle physics”.

  Germanium based 0νββ decay experiments are designed to investigate the nature of the neutrino and to test Lepton number conservation by searching for 0νββ decay of 76Ge. The goal is to either establish Lepton number violation and the Majorana nature of the neutrino or to push the relevant exclusion limits to the neutrino mass scale indicated by neutrino oscillations.

  For a ton scale germanium based 0νββ decay experiment it is indispensable to further reduce the background from radiation with respect to the GERDAexperiment, the currently world leading experiment in this field. A scintillating polymer, PEN, that could be used as self-vetoed structural material is presently being investigated. Use of this material could lead to a significant improvement of background recognition efficiency and hence sensitivity for 0νββ decay.

  The successful candidate is expected to take over a leading role in the development and characterization of the new material and should push forward the integration of germanium detectors into surroundings made from self-vetoed polymers. The candidate is expected to actively participate in joint activities of the CRC.

  Formal requirements for this position are a PhD in experimental physics.

  The candidate should have a background in (astro-)particle physics or detector physics. Experience in polymer research, low background physics and with HPGe diodes, and a good knowledge in programming with C++, Root and GEANT 4 are an advantage.

  Salary and benefits are commensurate with public service organizations (TVöD Bund). The contract is initially limited to 2 years with the possibility of an extension. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. The goal is to enhance the percentage of women where they are underrepresented. Women, therefore, are especially encouraged to apply. The Society is committed to employing more people with special needs. Applications of people with special needs are particularly welcome.

  Further information can be obtained from Dr. Béla Majorovits (bela@mppmu.mpg.de). Interested applicants should send an application letter including curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, a list of main publications and arrange for three letters of support. Please send your complete written application by 15 October 2018 to ina@mpp.mpg.de.

  The Max Planck Institute for Physics collects and stores personal data that you send for your application. Further information on the data collected can be found at https://www.mpp.mpg.de/en/studying-and-working/jobs/data-protection-statement-for-job-applications/


