An exciting post-doctoral position blending infection biology, cell biology, genomics and bioinformatics is available in the Svanborg group at the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Glycobiology, Lund University. Lab has a great international working environment full of world-class researchers and opportunities to develop your career.
The postdoctoral researcher will design and perform the experiments, interpret the data and prepare publications for peer-review. He or she must be able to work individually or in a team and proactively propose and test project relevant ideas. The candidate should possess good oral and written communication skills in English. She or he should be able to mentor junior group members. The candidate is expected to be passionate and motivated.
Requirements: This position requires a Ph.D. in microbiology, immunology, cell biology, biochemistry or related areas. Experience in molecular biology, genomics and transcriptomics, cancer biology, microbiology and cell biology is preferred as is a good publication record in peer-reviewed journals.
For latest publications from the Svanborg group, please see Scientific Reports, Science Translational Medicine, PloS Pathogens, Nature Reviews Urology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Nature Medicine.
The initial appointment term is for one year with the possibility of extension. Interested candidates should send their CV with at least two reference letters and a description of research experience and interests to: Prof Catharina Svanborg Laboratoriemedicin/MIG Lund University, Sölvegatan 23, 223 62 Lund, Sweden.
Last date for applications: November 18, 2018 (or until position is filled)
Employment type: Contract based
Extent: 100%