Brain Cancer Scientist- Immunology/Nanotechnology/Gene Therapy/Stem Cells- Northwestern Medicine in Chicago
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
Location: Chicago, IL
Job Number: 7053221
Posting Date: Sep 18, 2018
Job Description
The neuro-oncology program at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is seeking candidates with experience in immunology/gene therapy/stem cell biology, or nanotechnology for one of the following jobs depending on your experience and qualifications (post-doctoral or senior research professional).
The applicant should have a PhD in immunology/gene therapy/nanomedicine/stem cell biology and some degree of prior experience. You must be well versed in immunology, and enjoy virology, gene therapy, molecular biology, biochemistry, stem cell biology, or nanotechnology as this job involves significant work in understanding mechanistic studies as they pertain to each of these fields. Prior experience of work in each of these areas as well as experience with live animals and knowledge of imaging techniques is required. The applicant must be able to design and conduct experiments, prepare and present their work at meetings, write scientific manuscripts, and speak fluently in English.
Please submit a letter of interest, along with your resume, copies of any relevant publications, and names/addresses of three possible references.
For more information, please visit:
Contact Information:
Maciej S. Lesniak, MD
Neurological Surgery
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
303 E Superior Chicago, IL 60611
Chicago,Illinois 60611
United States
Tel: 312-926-1094