Postdoc in Ion-source Modeling
Columbia University
The Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, New York, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to work for 6-8 months on a highly focused project in the Volpe Research Group.
The successful candidate will numerically explore the feasibility of novel plasma-based sources of ions for particle accelerators. More specifically, the sources will be of the ECRIS type (Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source), but toroidally shaped. He/she will trace the trajectories of many charged particles -or their guiding centers- interacting with each other and with an externally applied magnetic field, and will take ionization, recombination and other processes into account. Such simulations will shed light on the expected confinement and performance of the ion source. All candidates are expected to be able to effectively communicate results of their research, both orally and in writing.
Applicants can consult for more information about the Department and for more information about the Volpe Group.
For questions on the position, contact the group leader Prof. Francesco Volpe at . To apply, please e-mail him your cv, publication list and cover letter. In addition, please provide the contact details of at least three senior colleagues who, at a later stage, might be requested to write recommendation letters.
To be given full consideration, applicants should apply by: November 15.
Preferred starting date: before January 18, 2019.
Minimum Qualifications
Ph.D. in physics or related field, and experience with different computer languages and environments, including Fortran and UNIX/Linux.
Preferred Qualifications
Research experience in one or more of the following: plasma physics, accelerator physics, ion sources.