We are looking for two postdoctoral fellows with a strong expertise in optical spectroscopy to lead the following projects.
1) Group IV quantum light sources
In parallel to strong on-going research efforts on the development of mid-IR LED and lasers based on group-IV semiconductors, we are developing quantum light sources based on single emitters in isotopically engineered Si and Ge nanostructures. Based on defect centers, these emitters will be integrated in quantum wires and plasmonic structures to enhance both photon emission and collection.
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong expertise in optical spectroscopy in the NIR (photoluminescence, electroluminescence and ultrafast spectroscopy techniques). The candidate will survey different emitters, develop an understanding of emission processes and carrier dynamics, identify the factors limiting the quantum efficiency, and develop sophisticated strategies to increase photon yields.
2) Polaritons in 2D materials
Polaritons are light-matter excitations that can exist in a range of materials. This post-doctoral fellow will investigate phonon-polaritons and exciton-polaritons in 2D materials.
Phonon-polaritons (PPs) in 2D GaSe will be investigated for integrated IR photonics. 2D GaSe supports both guided and surface PPs. In this material, surface PPs are expected to show a hyperbolic in-plane dispersion leading to a number remarkable phenomena, including for example a concave wavefront expansion, a large optical density of states and a diffraction-free propagation, which can be used for sub-diffraction NIR imaging, density of states engineering, and hyperlensing.
Similarly, exciton-polaritons (EPs) have previously been investigated in various material systems to demonstrate a range of fascinating phenomena such as parametric amplification, Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity. We have recently demonstrated high-Q Bloch surface wave polaritons at the interface between WS2 and a Bragg mirror. By patterning the structure, the polariton dispersion relation will be engineered to obtain room-temperature EP condensates. Meanwhile, the broken inversion symmetry of most 2D materials allows for several remarkable effects that are absent in conventional polaritonic microcavities.
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong expertise in nanofabrication and optical spectroscopy to carry out experimental and theoretical studies. The candidate will also be expected to develop theoretical models supporting experimental findings.
Relevant skills
Candidates with strong backgrounds in Physics, Engineering, Materials Science and Chemistry are invited to apply. Relevant skills include an excellent understanding of semiconductors and device physics, optical spectroscopy, modeling, and micro/nano-fabrication. Previous experience in any of these areas will be considered assets for the project.
Selected candidates will be fully funded for the duration of the project including social benefits (pension, health care, and paternal leave). In addition, outstanding candidates will be encouraged to apply for prestigious provincial and national fellowships as well.
About the Research Groups
The Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Semiconductors, led by Prof Oussama Moutanabbir (http://www.polymtl.ca/nhl/en), develops semiconductor materials and devices for electronics, optoelectronics, solar energy, imaging, and quantum information. The Laboratory for Nanostructured and Molecular Photonics is led by Prof. Stéphane Kéna-Cohen, the Canada Research Chair in Hybrid and Molecular Photonics (https://www.polymtl.ca/lnmp/en). The group is active in the development of optoelectronic devices based on novel materials as well as quantum optics. The Laboratory for Optical Spectroscopy and Coherent Control is led by Prof. Sébastien Francoeur (www.polymtl.ca/phys/lsmn). His group studies electronic states and processes in novel materials and nanostructures, including direct gap 2D materials and optically addressable impurity states in various semiconductors.
Our Labs are equipped with extensive equipment for epitaxial growth, device fabrication, device characterization and optical spectroscopy and Polytechnique’s Microfabrication Laboratory offers a cleanroom equipped with state-of-the-art photolithography, etching and electron-beam lithography tools. We are also in the process of acquiring 8M$ in state-of-art infrastructure for the development of novel optoelectronic devices and quantum technologies.
To apply
Please, submit your application by email to sebastien.francoeur@polymtl.ca. It should include: i) a motivation letter emphasizing both the relevance of your expertise and your main accomplishments, ii) a detailed CV including a publication list, and iii) the contact information of at least two academic references.