A funded post-doctoral position is available for highly motivated and creative candidate to join the Jordan Winter Laboratory at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. The Winter lab is part of the GI Cancer Genetics Program at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Candidates with a background in cell biology, metabolism, tumor immunology, and biochemistry are highly encouraged to apply.
The Winter laboratory focuses on identifying metabolic vulnerabilities in pancreatic cancer. Through related investigations, the lab seeks to identify important therapeutic targets and develop strategies to harness the immune response against these challenging cancers. Projects will involve the use of genetic and functional analyses to characterize pancreatic cancer biology and develop new therapeutic approaches.
A description of ongoing projects in the laboratory can be found here:
Approaches utilized will include tissue culture, mouse models, molecular cloning, pharmacologic studies, high throughput ‘omic studies, and biochemical assays.
Postdoctoral researchers will have direct access to state-of-the-art core facilities at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, as well as world-class animal facilities. Furthermore, they will be part of a vibrant scientific environment fostered by collaborative efforts at University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. Dr. Winter is the Chief of Surgical Oncology, and a pancreatic surgeon, as well as a scientist, offering the post-doctoral candidate a unique opportunity to train in a translational environment at the intersection of cancer biology and clinical oncology.
Candidates must hold a PhD., MD., or other equivalent doctoral degree and have strong laboratory and analytical skills. The position is best suited for a candidate who is willing to commit 3-5 years, motivated to produce high impact science published and presented in the premier journal and scientific meeting outlets, interested in a collaborative and caring atmosphere, enjoys teaching, and is driven by a desire to advance care for cancer patients.
All applications should be sent to hjg@case.edu and include the following items merged as a single-PDF file:
Cover letter (3-page maximum) indicating current and future research interests and expected availability dates;
Curriculum Vitae;
Reprints of up to two publications (optional);
Name of three references
University Hospitals is a leading biomedical research institution and is an equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and staff. Women and applicants from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply.