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時間:2018-11-22來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

  Postdoctoral Position in Microbiology and Immunology

  The Pedra Laboratory at the University of Maryland School of Medicine is recruiting postdoctoral fellows to study molecular interactions between the Lyme disease tick Ixodes scapularis, human pathogens (e.g., Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum) and the mammalian host. The Pedra Laboratory integrates the disciplines of microbiology, immunology and entomology to examine tick-borne diseases. We employ tools available in biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, structural and systems biology to understand fundamental interactions between the arthropod vector, the pathogen and the mammalian host.

  The goal is to: (1) ask fundamental questions in arthropod and host immunity; and (2) develop new technologies for the study of pathogen-tick-host interactions. Creative trainees with prior experience in cutting-edge techniques in cell, molecular and systems biology are especially encouraged to apply. No prior experience in tick biology is necessary.


  1.      Gulia-Nuss et al., 2016 Nature Communications 7:10507

  2.      Wang et al., 2016, PLoS Pathogens 12(8):e1005803.

  3.      Shaw et al., 2017. Nature Communications 8: 14401.

  4.      McClure et al., 2017 Nature Reviews Microbiology 15:544-558

  5.      Shaw et al., 2018 Trends Immunol. 39:862-873.

  The Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan area is well-placed geographically, famous for its rich history, elegant cities and beautiful natural scenery. The Metro Region is an especially attractive workplace for young professionals, due to its moderate cost of living, nice blend between urban/suburban life, and a booming life science/technology industry.

  To apply: Please submit a CV (3 pages or less), a letter summarizing research interests, experience and goals (1 page or less), and the names and phone numbers/e-mail of three references to: Dr. Joao Pedra, Ph.D., Associate Professor, E-mail: jpedra@som.umaryland.edu(pedralab.com)



