Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Exeter
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
The above full time post is available immediately on a fixed term basis until the 12th of March 2019 in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences.
The starting salary will be from £29,515 up to £30,395 on Grade (E), depending on qualifications and experience.
The post
The College wishes to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Associate to support the work of Prof Huw Williams & Dr Ana Beduschi. This ESRC funded post is available immediately until the 12th of March 2019. The successful applicant will undertake rapid and/or systematic reviews of the literature on children and young people in contact with the law worldwide. This is to inform policy makers on the scale of children and young people who may be incarcerated, be child soldiers, refugees and/or otherwise outside of family care and in adverse conditions. We wish to determine, in particular, the rates of trauma and neuro-disability (such as form Traumatic Brain Injury) in such groups so as to advice United Nations agencies on better systems for intervention.
The post will include literature reviews and synthesis, data analysis (such as of existing data sets and of data from collaborative agencies), creating summary reports for dissemination through social media, academic papers and policy reviews. There will also be need to manage, attend, and report from Roundtable meetings involving researchers, policy groups, NGOs, police, prison and other stakeholders in UK and overseas.
About you
The successful applicant will be able to present information on research progress and outcomes, communicate complex information, orally, in writing and electronically and prepare proposals and applications to external bodies.
Applicants will possess a relevant PhD (or be nearing completion) or possess an equivalent qualification/experience in a related field of study and be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in the discipline and of research methods and techniques to work within established research programmes. Applicants will be able to: analyse data sets (e.g. data linkage); undertake rapid and/or systematic reviews.
For further information please contact Prof Huw Williams, e-mail or telephone (01392) 724661.