We seek to recruit a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow in Prof Derumeaux’s Lab at the Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research (IMRB, France) to explore epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms susceptible to modulate pathological cellular aging associated with a variety of high prevalence metabolic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Accelerated cellular senescence affecting key tissues and cell types is currently thought to be a major pathophysiological contributor involved in many chronic disorders, its role being very actively investigated. Yet, still very little is understood about the specific relevance of cellular senescence processes for the context of metabolic disorders, and in particular for the development of deleterious cardiovascular complications associated with them, as well as the precise molecular mechanisms underlying their involvement. Our work is focused on exploring cellular senescence mechanisms in a variety of tissues and cell types, known to play a central role in metabolic disorders pathophysiology, including the myocardium, the adipose tissue, the liver, the skeletal muscle, as well as various types of circulating or tissue resident immune cells. In addition to multiple metabolic and functional experiments used to investigate these processes, we are currently performing several large scale epigenetic and transcriptomic studies, both in animal and human models, aiming to explore the molecular mechanisms and the specific modalities of cellular aging in a variety of conditions including diabetes, calorie rich diets, physical exercise, exposure to pollutants, etc. These epigenetic and transcriptional studies are coordinated by Dr C. Henegar, associated professor at Paris-East Medical School, and benefit from the support and expertise of the genomic sequencing platform available at HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (Huntsville, AL, USA), one of the largest genomic centers in the United States, with whom our team collaborates closely.
Some of the areas currently under investigation include:
1. Specific changes of the epigenetic and transcriptomic landscapes during physiological aging in key cell types involved in metabolic disorders pathophysiology and complications (cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, adipocytes, resident tissue macrophages, etc.)
2. Modulation of age related epigenetic marks in key cell types under different metabolic conditions and interventions (diet, exercise, exposure to pollutants, etc.)
3. The relations of cell specific epigenetic and transcriptional landscapes with circulating biomarkers including circulating miRNAs and molecular fragments of tissue DNA
4. Identifying early epigenetic predictors associated with the propensity of developing certain cardiovascular complications associated with metabolic disorders, including various forms of dysmetabolic cardiomyopathies
Applicants must be curious, highly motivated, have demonstrated the ability to design and carry out creative, independent research, and have excellent communication skills using the English language and demonstrated scholarship through publications in internationally recognized English language journals.
Our team is affiliated with INSERM (French National Health Institute) and is located at Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research (IMRB) on the campus of Paris-East Medical School in Creteil, south-east of Paris, just outside of the city. We have recently initiated a 5-year, 10 million euros program, aiming to explore “Cardiac and skeletal muscle alteration in relation to metabolic diseases and ageing” (CARMMA), involving several French and European research labs and biotech companies, and coordinated by Prof G. Derumeaux. Paris-East Medical School and the IMRB are hosting a large number of research teams and facilities and are a great place to do science (http://www.imrb.inserm.fr/en/). On the other side of the Atlantic our collaborators at HudsonAlpha Institute provide state of the art genomic sequencing facilities among the largest in the United States, as well as a tremendous amount of experience and knowhow in exploring the multiple dimensions that characterize modern genomics (http://hudsonalpha.org).
Minimum degree and field of knowledge: PhD or MD PhD in computer science, bioinformatics, molecular biology, or related fields is required, with a strong publication record in these areas. An ideal candidate would have extensive experience in high throughput sequencing and data analysis, as well as a minimum level of expertise in molecular biology. Specific expertise in epigenetic and transcriptomic studies, and in particular using high-throughput sequencing (DNAmethylation, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq), would be very valuable. This opening is an ideal opportunity for recent MD PhD and/or PhD graduates oriented towards a career in medicine and/or biomedical research. Interested candidates should submit a CV, a brief statement of current and future career goals and contact information for three references by email to corneliu.henegar@inserm.fr. The position is available now. A competitive salary and benefits package will be provided, aiming to reward candidates previous work experience and qualifications, in agreement with INSERM’s specific regulations on these matters.