About the team/job
EMBL is seeking a postdoctoral scientist to join Dr. Jan Korbel's group in the Genome Biology Unit to work on cancer genomics and genome variation. Thousands of cancer genomes have been generated in past years together with other ‘omics’ data types - from transcriptomes to methylomes, pathology images and clinical data – driving biological discovery and creating exciting data science and engineering challenges. We are seeking young scientists interested in developing new computational approaches, such as those inspired by genetic association testing and/or deep learning as well as cloud computing of massive-scale multi-omics data, to tackle the integration of these data in order to understand the causal molecular events in mutagenesis, genomic DNA rearrangements and cancer. The Korbel group is a ‘hybrid’ laboratory in which computational biologists and experimentalist collaborate tightly to obtain new insights into human disease and molecular mechanisms.
Your role
The post holder will join our interdisciplinary team to contribute either to methods development, computational analysis of large-scale genomic datasets, or biological interpretation of the results. Postdoctoral scientists are further encouraged to drive the planning of experiments for hypothesis testing. Hands-on experience in programming and integrating omics data will be a requirement for the position, and prior expertise with large-scale data integration will be a plus. Frequent interactions with lab members and external collaborators will be a crucial part of the job.
You have
Applicants should have a PhD in the biological sciences or in bioinformatics, physics, computer science, or a related field. The ideal candidate is motivated to work in an international team on interdisciplinary projects and enjoys to work in a highly collaborative atmosphere. The candidate has strong analytical skills and the curiosity to tackle questions and mine new datasets for making fundamental discoveries. Fluency in English is essential.
You might also have
Motivation to work in an international team on interdisciplinary projects and in a highly collaborative atmosphere.
Why join us
Why not! Well, EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation with a very collegial and family friendly working environment. The remuneration package comprises from a competitive salary, a comprehensive pension scheme, medical, educational and other social benefits, and the availability of an excellent child care facility on campus.
What else do I need to know
The Korbel group at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) combines experimental and computational approaches, including single-cell sequencing technology, to unravel determinants and consequences of germline and somatic genetic variation. Our group is using bulk as well as single cell-based omics approaches for investigating mechanisms behind complex phenotypes in humans, ranging from common diseases including cancer to ageing. An over-arching theme centers on the formation and selection of germline and somatic genetic variation in health and disease states, in particular genomic structural variation (SV).