Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Brigham & Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA, United States
Posted about 2 months ago
Expires on December 17, 2018
A postdoctoral research fellow position opened up in the laboratory of Dr Stelios Smirnakis, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and JP VA Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Research topics available focus on the study of cortical circuit function using a variety of approaches including chronic in vivo 2-photon imaging methods, single-photon and 2-photon (SLM) optogenetics, and classical electrophysiology with in vivo / in vitro whole-cell patch clamping. The specific project will be determined in consultation with the fellow, but available topics range from studying how cellular ensembles behave during visual perception or motor learning, to identifying patterns of cortical circuit dysfunction in mouse models of autism and epilepsy. A strong systems physiology and computational background is essential, as the fellow will be expected to carry the primary responsibility for an independent project.
1. The specific project will be finalized in consultation with the fellow. Considerable latitude will be given to the fellow to develop their own strategy for addressing questions of mutual interest. In general, the fellow should be highly motivated, able to think critically and capable of carrying the primary responsibility for an independent project. Tools at their disposal include state of the art 2-photon imaging and patch-clamp electrophysiology methods, including spatial light modulated (SLM) strategies to activate at will different patterns of cells in the cortical circuit and map their connectivity. Developing the ability to analyze molecular pathways that underlie observed physiological profiles of connectivity is of particular interest.
2. A strong systems physiology and computational background as well as familiarity with basic molecular biology techniques will be essential.
Highly motivated applicants with a PhD degree in neurophysiology, molecular biology, computational neuroscience or a related field, and a strong interest in cortical circuit function and computational neuroscience are invited to apply.
• Strong prior experience in systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience and/or molecular biology is essential.
• Strong prior experience in patch-clamp electrophysiology, in vivo two-photon imaging and facility with programming and computational methods for network analysis is highly desirable.
• Basic background in molecular biology techniques, immunohistochemistry, PCR methods, Western blot analysis, viral injections, and mouse genetics is desired.
• Only highly motivated individuals with a deep desire to understand neural circuit function will be considered.
None. It is expected that the postdoctoral fellow will interact in a collegiate manner with the other members of the laboratory. Depending on convergence of interests, the postdoctoral fellow may be asked to work together with other members of the laboratory.