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時(shí)間:2018-12-17來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

Postdoctoral Positions

  University of Michigan

  Ann Arbor, MI, United States


  Dr. Lana Garmire’s translational bioinformatics group in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at University of Michigan has multiple postdoc positions for highly competent and motivated researchers immediately. Current projects include (1) Single-cell genomics and bioinformatics method, visualization and algorithm development, single-cell analysis in stem cell and cancer data. (2) Developing new computational methods, as well as using existing methods to integrate high-throughput genomics data (methylation, RNA-Seq, proteomics and metabolomics data) for biomarkers applications in human placentas affected by pregnancy adversities, as well as various cancers. The postdocs are expected to publish multiple first-author high qualify papers, give presentations in international conferences, help supervise graduate students and rotational students, as well as collaborating with other domain experts.


  1. PhD program in bioinformatics, mathematics, engineering, (bio)statistics, physics or relevant major with rigorous training in quantitative science.

  2. Strong publication records with multiple first-author publications in high-quality peer reviewed journals.

  3. Must be in good academic standing (GPA 3.5 or above);

  4. Deep experience in programming languages such as Matlab, R, C, C++, and Java; Demonstrated efficiency with scripting languages such as Perl and Python;

  5. Must be familiar with Unix OS;

  6. Deep knowledge in statistics / computer science;

  7. Deep experience in machine learning and data mining;

  8. Good communication skills (both oral and written) in English;

  9. Demonstrated ability to work as a team player with a collaborative spirit;

  To apply

  Please apply online at:


  Any further questions, contact Dr. Lana Garmire: lgarmire@med.umich.edu



