Chalmers University of Technology - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Location:Gothenburg - Sweden
Salary:Not Specified
Hours:Full Time
Contract Type:Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On:12th December 2018
Expires:12th February 2019
We are looking for a bright post-doctoral researcher focusing in theoretical cryptography and more precisely verifiable delegation of computation to work on a collaborative project on cloud-assisted computing. The position is fully funded for 2 years. The post-doc will be hired at the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers and will be working under the supervision of Prof. Katerina Mitrokotsa. The preferred starting date is in April 2019 or to be defined under mutual agreement. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
To Apply use the online form at:
Application deadline: 5 January, 2019 or until a suitable candidate is found