
您的位置:中國博士人才網(wǎng) > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 美國哥倫比亞大學博士后科學家職位



時間:2019-02-01來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

 Postdoctoral Research Scientist in The Molecular and Microscale Bioengineering Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York.

  The Molecular and Microscale Bioengineering Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York develops technologies for point-of-care blood tests, wearable sensors, implantable devices, and cell-based therapy. The laboratory is looking to hire a Postdoctoral Research Scientist with specialization in microfabrication and hardware engineering. The position has two main responsibilities. One is to develop microfabrication techniques based on usage of machine shop equipment on hard plastic materials. A second responsibility is to develop optical instrumentation involving photodetectors, based on existing designs in our lab. This position requires a B.S. degree in engineering or physical sciences, with a Ph.D. degree or three years industrial experience preferred. The successful candidate will have demonstrated technical leadership and problem solving skills working on complex projects. This person must also have excellent interpersonal leadership and communications skills to work effectively with a broad range of international partners. They must have a proven ability to communicate quickly, clearly and concisely. Experience in machine shop equipment and use of optical instrumentation is required. Preferred qualifications include experience in rapid prototyping techniques such as laser cutting, 3D printing and CNC machining, as well as electronic circuit boards, industrial design of hardware, and programming of software.

  Postdoctoral Research Scientists at Columbia SEAS are individuals who have demonstrated innovation and excellence in research. Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

  Apply online at http://pa334.peopleadmin.com/postings/2218


