A Full-time Postdoctoral research position is immediately available for a highly motivated individual interested in applying graduate level training and experience in the biological sciences to the study of cancer metastasis in the Okimoto Lab at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).
The position is in a vibrant, newly renovated laboratory on the UCSF Parnassus Campus. The candidate must have superb graduate training and research experience in molecular/cellular biology, biochemistry, or a related discipline. We use various genetic and pharmacologic tools to study the transcriptional regulation of tumor dissemination both in vitro and in vivo. Our research leverages genetic (RNA interference/CRISPR, cDNA expression, mutagenesis), cell biological (cell line culture, drug treatments, microscopy), molecular biology (chromatin immunoprecipitation, exome and transcriptome deep sequencing), and immunological (immunoprecipitation, Westerns) methods. Individuals with a strong background in chromatin biology, biochemistry, and/or mouse models of human cancer are highly encouraged to apply.
Applicants must be highly independent and motivated and value working in teams, with demonstrated success in project management and leadership. Successful candidates must have a PhD and/or MD in a related discipline and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Please respond by e-mail to Ross Okimoto (ross.okimoto@ucsf.edu) with a statement of interest and career objectives, CV, and names with contact information for three references.