The Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD) calls for applications for
ELBE postdoctoral fellowships
The ELBE postdoctoral fellows program fosters theoretical and computational approaches to biological systems and provides an ideal springboard to an independent research career.
What we provide
The CSBD provides 2-3 year fully funded positions in an international and cross-disciplinary research environment. ELBE postdoctoral fellows benefit from close collaborations with scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS), and the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden), and a stimulating and inspiring atmosphere, see
They will have full access to state-of-the-art research facilities and infrastructure on the campus. Dresden is a vivid and international scientific center, with a large number of research institutions that are collaborating under the DRESDEN-concept umbrella. Its position as an outstanding location for research and science is recognized world-wide, and since 2012, the Technische Universität Dresden is one of eleven Excellence Universities in Germany.
What we seek
We seek outstanding young researchers with a strong interest and background in using theoretical and computational approaches to study biological systems and processes. Ideal candidates have a doctoral degree in physics, computer science, mathematics or a related discipline. A strong commitment to work in a multi-disciplinary environment between biologists and theoreticians is expected. ELBE postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to collaborate with more than one research group and are given the opportunity to include experimental work in their projects.
How to apply
For details about the application procedure, please visit our website
Selection of ELBE Fellows is based on scientific merit with two application cycles per year. Short-listed candidates should be prepared to join a selection symposium held in Dresden on May 15, 2019, with travel costs covered by the CSBD. Deadline for applications is March 10, 2019.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunities employer. Disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply. The Center for Systems Biology, the MPI-CBG and the MPI-PKS aim to increase the number of women in scientific positions, therefore female applicants are particularly welcome. For more information on our efforts to balance family and career please see