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時間:2019-02-14來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

 At TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics, the Chair of Physics of Quantum Materials invites applications for a position as

  Research Associate / Postdoc

  (Subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L)

  starting at June 1st 2019 for a period of up to six years. The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz – WissZeitVG). The position aims at obtaining further academic qualification (e.g. habilitation thesis).

  Tasks: The chair is part of the Collaborative Research Center “Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration to Topology” (SFB 1143) as well as of the new Cluster of Excellence “Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter” (ct.qmat). Outstanding conditions for top-class research are thus provided. The new staff member will support the chair in research and teaching. Own research activities and ideas in the field of quantum materials as well as the acquisition of own third-party funding are strongly supported. Qualification in teaching is also particularly supported, with the teaching obligation amount accourding to DAVOHS.

  Requirements: university degree and a completed PhD in experimental solid state physics; relevant experience in the field of modern X-ray scattering and/or X-ray spectroscopy as well as interest in solid-state research at synchrotrons and at free-electron lasers; enthusiasm for basic research; ability to work in a team and organizational talent; a very good command of English and the ability to communicate in German.

  Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to people with disabilities.

  Please send your application with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, certificates) until 12.03.2019 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service applies) preferentially as pdf-document via the secure mail portal of the TU Dresden https://securemail.tu-dresden.de to jochen.geck@tu-dresden.de or by mail addressed to TU Dresden, Fakultät Physik, Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik, Herrn Prof. Dr. Jochen Geck, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden. Please submit copies only, as your application will not be returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be reimbursed.

  Reference to data protection: Your data protection rights, the purpose for which your data will be processed, as well as further information about data protection is available to you on the website: https://tu-dresden.de/karriere/datenschutzhinweis



