A postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Chongyi Chen at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. The Chen lab combines cutting-edge technologies in single-cell genomics and next-generation sequencing to study the mechanistic link between chromatin structure and gene expression in mammalian systems, from a genome-wide perspective at the single-cell level. To address challenging scientific questions, the lab also develops new assays and techniques in single-cell genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics. For more information about the lab, please visit: https://ccr.cancer.gov/Laboratory-of-Biochemistry-and-Molecular-Biology/chongyi-chen
NIH is located in Washington, D.C. Metro Area. NIH consists of 27 research institutes, more than 1000 individual labs, and more than 100 members of National Academy of Sciences or National Academy of Medicine. NIH/NCI intramural labs have sufficient and stable research funding, first-class research equipment, and lots of clinical resources. NIH postdocs enjoy higher salary and better benefit compared with their counterparts working in universities in the United States ($56,000-$70,000).
We are looking for candidates with strong backgrounds in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, or related fields who are passionate and self-motivated in research. Candidates should have less than 2 years of postdoctoral experience. Candidates with prior experience in next-generation sequencing, genomics, single-cell biology, and bioinformatics are especially encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants should send a CV including a publication list and the contact information of three references to chongyi.chen@nih.gov.