Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Post-Doctoral Positions at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory invites applications to fill multiple post-doctoral positions in the laboratory of Dr. Jesse Gillis and colleagues. The successful candidates will join a team at CSHL working to understand the molecular and functional basis of cellular properties in diverse systems, including mammalian brains. This is a largescale project involving a number of complementary positions, ranging from bioinformatics, to neuroscience, to molecular genetics. While the focus of the position is computational, all projects involve substantial collaboration with wet-lab researchers generating unique data. This interdisciplinary work offers opportunities to address important questions in computational biology and molecular genetic with first access to large novel data sets from single-cell RNA-seq. The expected duration of the position is approximately 3-5 years with renewal at the end of each year.
A major conceptual focus of the project will be developing new ways of assessing large-scale data for replicable signals. The positions offer substantial scope for training candidates interested in making a leap from computer science, neuroscience or genetics to data-focused research, particularly if it has arisen informally in their previous work.
In addition to a collaborative focus within the project itself, successful applicants will enjoy a wide range of educational opportunities at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a world-renowned research and educational institution with programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics and bioinformatics. The Laboratory is recognized internationally for its excellence in research and educational activities.