Exciting postdoctoral training opportunity developing novel influenza vaccines at the University of Chicago
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to develop and test novel universal influenza vaccine candidates.
This Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded position will involve studies of B lymphocyte and antibody responses to influenza for development of novel universal influenza vaccine candidates. A truly universal vaccination strategy against influenza must manage escape mutations by the virus and the evolution of antibody responses to and away from epitopes that differ in their protectiveness and durability. The proposed vaccine aims to minimize viral escape by boosting responses to multiple conserved, protective epitopes on influenza by selecting for antibodies to epitopes that are immunogenic and protective, and away from epitopes that are immunogenic but not protective. We will develop this candidate vaccine using a unique and powerful set of observations, experiment, and computational design. The over-all project will involve the collaborative efforts of four groups at three institutes, including: the groups of Patrick Wilson and Sarah Cobey at the University of Chicago, Florian Krammer’s laboratory at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Jesse Bloom’s laboratory at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.
The position with will involve use of technologies such as flow cytometry, single-cell transcriptomics (i.e., 10x Genomics technology), plus generation and characterization of human monoclonal antibodies and ultimately production and testing of novel influenza vaccine candidates.
Candidates should have completed a doctorate level degree and have a strong background in vaccinology and/or immunology, preferably related to B cells and antibodies. The successful candidate should have documented success in research including publications in international journals on relevant topics. Compensation is dependent upon qualifications. The University provides a generous package of fringe benefits.
Applicants should submit an application package that includes a cover letter, CV, relevant prior publications, and contact information for three references to Patrick Wilson, at
Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Patrick C. Wilson. PhD
Professor of Medicine/ Section of Rheumatology
The Committee on Immunology
The University of Chicago