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時間:2019-04-11來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


  馬克斯普朗克佛羅里達研究所(MPFI)研究組組長Hiroki Taniguchi Ph.D.的實驗室有一名博士后職位。我們的研究重點是了解抑制性中間神經元亞型的發(fā)展和可塑性(見下文)。

  我們正在尋找具有高度積極性的人才,他們將享受實現獨特科學的過程,并有強烈的野心來創(chuàng)造未來神經回路研究的趨勢。佛羅里達州朱庇特的MPFI是德國著名的馬克斯普朗克協(xié)會成立的第一所研究所。在歐洲之外。 MPFI的研究重點是神經回路的結構和功能,即大腦的復雜突觸網絡。 MPFI已經舉辦了許多令人興奮的研討會,由世界著名的研究人員提供,并與同一校園內的斯克里普斯佛羅里達學院和佛羅里達大西洋大學建立了密切的關系。能夠感受到美國馬克斯普朗克的精神是我們學院的另一個優(yōu)勢。


  A postdoctoral position is available working in the laboratory of Hiroki Taniguchi Ph.D., a research group leader at the Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI). Our research focus is on understanding development and plasticity of inhibitory interneuron subtypes (see below).

  We are looking for highly motivated individuals who will enjoy the process to achieve a unique science and have a strong ambition to create trends of neural circuit research in the future.The MPFI in Jupiter, Florida is the first institute established by Germany’s prestigious Max Planck Society outside of Europe. The research focus of the MPFI is structure and function of neural circuits, the complex synaptic networks of the brain. The MPFI has had a lot of exciting seminars presented by worldrenowned researchers, and a close relationship with the Scripps Florida Institute and Florida Atlantic University on the same campus. To be able to feel Max Planck spirits in US is another advantage in our institute.

  (Research Topics)

  Cortical inhibitory interneurons (INs) display diverse subtypes, which innervate distinct compartments (e.g., dendrites, somata, and axon initial segments) of excitatory principal neurons (PNs) and regulate various types of circuit operations.

  We have been interested in elucidating subtype-specific IN development and plasticity. To address these questions, we employ mouse genetics, molecular biology, virology, and imaging techniques. We are working on following projects.

  1) Molecular mechanisms underlying specification and circuit formation of chandelier cells (ChCs), which powerfully control action potential generation in PNs by innervating their axon initial segments. We have already identified several candidate genes that are preferentially expressed in ChCs. We are analyzing the function of these genes in vivo. We have also begun to be interested in the chromatin dynamics during cell type specification.

  2) We have developed a novel genetic strategy, which enables us to label and manipulate IN subtypes sending inputs to PN subtypes. We will determine the spatial organization and function of IN subtypes in cortical microcircuits. We will also elucidate mechanisms underlying the organization of IN subtypes innervating area- and layer-specific PNs.

  3) The role and molecular mechanisms of structural plasticity in cortical interneurons.


  Taniguchi et al.,Neuron, 2011

  Taniguchi et al.,Science, 2013

  Taniguchi et al.,Front. Cell. Neurosci, 2014

  Ishino et al., Journal of Neuroscie, 2017

  Steinecke et al., eNeuro, 2017

  Yetman et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2019


  Max Planck Florida Institute, Jupiter, Florida, USA. Jupiter is located in south Florida and surrounded by a lot of nature. There are many good school districts within the area. It is warm throughout the year. It must be good for family.


  Applicants must have or be expected to receive a Ph.D. Experience in in vivo imaging, molecular biology, chromatin biology, and in utero electroporation is preferred but not necessary.

  (Salary and benefits)

  In accordance with MPFI regulations

  (Start of employment)

  In early 2019 (negotiable but ASAP)

  (Application and required documents)

  1. Complete CV including a publication list, experimental skills and contact information on 3 reference persons

  2. Description of current and previous research summary (1-2 page)

  3. Description of the reason why you apply and what you want to do (1-2 page)

  A PDF should be sent to Hiroki Taniguchi, Ph.D. via e-mail.

  Contact prior to application is welcome.

  E-mail: taniguchimpfi@gmail.com

  Tel: 1-561-972-9260


