Postdoctoral position in Virology/Cell Biology
Postdoctoral positions are available on NIH funded research projects to study the function of microtubule-associated and microtubule regulatory proteins and their role in viral infection in the Naghavi. Dr. Naghavi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology-Immunology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. The Feinberg School of Medicine is located in the center of downtown Chicago. Additional information about the Naghavi lab can be found at
Our previous studies have established how HIV-1 controls microtubule behavior to facilitate infection, and the host factors involved. This includes microtubule motor-associated adaptor proteins, as well as specialized microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (called +TIPs) that control the formation of stable microtubule filaments and facilitate HIV-1 infection. Projects will employ a range of molecular biological assays, as well as a variety of fixed and live imaging approaches using super resolution and confocal microscopy to study how HIV-1 particles move within infected cells, including natural target cell types such as brain resident microglia and primary macrophages. Our goal is to understand the molecular basis behind how microtubules, regulators of microtubule dynamics and microtubule motor proteins function to enable HIV-1 movement to and from the nucleus.
Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent with strong research experience in virology, cell biology and/or molecular biology. Applicants with experience in fluorescence microscopy and live imaging are particularly encouraged to apply. Intersted applicants should submit a complete CV, a brief description of their research achievements and interests, and the name and contact details for three referees to: