如需申請,請將求職信、簡歷、姓名和聯(lián)系方式以電子郵件形式發(fā)送至olivia osborn oosborn@ucsd.edu博士。
Postdoctoral position available immediately to participate in NIH-funded studies in the Osborn lab in the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, School of Medicine at The University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
The overall goal of our research is to understand underlying mechanisms driving food intake and the development of obesity. A current emphasis is on the mechanisms involved in the weight gain side effects of antipsychotic medications. We are using a wide range of multidisciplinary approaches in murine models ranging from whole animal metabolic physiology, neuroscience and single cell RNA sequencing strategies.
Individuals with a Ph.D. or equivalent in a relevant discipline and demonstrated research productivity in the field of obesity or neuroscience are encouraged to apply. We are looking for a for highly motivated individual with strong communication and interpersonal skills. Prior experience working with rodents is highly desirable. Proficiency in oral and written English is required. Salary will be commensurate with experience, and follow NIH guidelines.
To apply, please e-mail a cover letter, CV and the names and contact information for two references to Dr Olivia Osborn