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時(shí)間:2019-07-05來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名
Funded PhD and Postdoc positions in The Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University
The Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University, Ireland has further opportunities for well‐qualified applicants interested in PhD level or postdoctoral research, starting Sept. 2019.
PhD projects:
PhD1. Nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling for wave energy devices using boundary element methods
PhD2. Optimal control design for a commercial wave energy device
PhD3. Real‐time control of oscillating water column wave energy devices
Postdoc projects:
PD1. Real‐time control of wave energy converters
PD2. Wave energy device control design and implementation
PD1 and PD2 are associated with a major Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) project entitled “Development of the next generation of controllers for wave energy devices”, which has a total team count of 7 dedicated researchers, covering hydrodynamic modelling, system identification and control design. The PhD projects are associated with the MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) SFI‐funded Research Centre, which is a national centre comprising 8 educational institutions and over 40 companies, now entering Phase II of its existence.
The projects listed exist within a wider COER group of 16 researchers and has a range of international academic and industrial collaborators, including Prof. Alain Clement (EC Nantes), Prof. Frederic Dias (UCD), Prof. Alessandro Alstolfi (Imperial College), Prof. Marta Molinas (NTNU), Corpower Ocean AB (Sweden), CalWave (USA) and the Wave Energy Corporation of America (US).
PhD candidates should be well‐qualified academically to bachelors (preferably H1) or masters level. Most of the projects will require a mix of skills, including mathematical modelling, programming and simulation skills, as well as the development of control, state estimation and forecasting algorithms. Applicants should have a background in mechanical, mechatronic or electrical/electronic engineering, fluid mechanics, hydrodynamics, applied mathematics or control systems. Candidates must have excellent written and oral communication skills and programming ability.
Further information on COER is available at: http://www.eeng.nuim.ie/coer/
or contact Prof. John Ringwood
Tel: +353 1 708 4766



