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時間:2019-07-25來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名



   The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research university.

  The Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) invites applications from PhD holders for conducting research in signal processing for Radar applications in mmWave and beyond.

  Research Associates (Postdocs) in Signal Processing for Extremely High Frequency Radar (M/F)

  SnT is carrying out interdisciplinary research in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services, often in collaboration with industrial, governmental or international partners. The SIGCOM group in SnT is pursuing research on automotive radar applications in partnership with IEE (www.iee.lu), a Luxembourg based global leader in automotive safety sensing systems for occupant detection and classification. Recently, Prof. Bjorn Ottersten Director of SnT and head of SIGCOM, has been awarded the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant to pursue research on cognitive radar systems with applications to automotive radar. For further information, you may visit www.securityandtrust.lu and http://wwwen.uni.lu/snt/research/sigcom.

  Project Description

  Radar sensor based driver assistance systems for automotive applications are currently under investigation to increase comfort and safety of drivers. Due to spectrum allocation trends and requirements of high bandwidth, an investigation of extremely high frequencies, namely mmWave and terahertz (THz) (with a corresponding wavelength of about 1 mm), has been attracting significant attention in the automotive radar industry. Compared to microwaves, operation in these bands provides access to larger bandwidth enabling higher range resolution and fine details of the targets. Besides, the size of system components such as the antennas required to process the THz signals reduces drastically; this enables the possibility of accommodating high number of antenna elements on the device to enhance the spatial resolution. Further, their incorporation on a moving platform, e.g., automobile, results in a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) / inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) whose advantages are well documented. However, to explore and exploit the advantages of such systems, several challenges need to be solved. System operations need to be modelled including extended target and clutter, waveforms tailored to this new models, mathematical approaches are necessary to be developed for high-resolution tomography, specifically in distributed radar case. Super-resolution methods also can be useful, as the non-static scenes will be viewed from different angles.

  This emerging field opens interesting avenues for pursuing research in radar signal processing, especially on

  ·         Devising architectures and system models for extremely high frequency radar systems possibly including SAR/ ISAR

  ·         Devising optimization algorithms to enhance the imaging performance of such systems with focus on waveform design, beam-pattern shaping, array design etc.

  ·         Robust receiver designs for super-resolution parametric estimation, detection classification and localization optimization using model based mechanisms as well as machine learning approaches

  ·         System simulator development incorporating non-idealities

  The SIGCOM research group is in a unique position towards realizing the objectives of the project having exposure to radar signal processing through ongoing research projects, evolution of communication standards through participation and contribution as well as experience with prototype chip sets from the test-bench development activity. The group has strong experience in different radar applications, particularly developing optimization algorithms and prototyping of automotive radar systems.

  Your Role

  The successful candidates will join a strong and motivated research team lead by Prof. Björn Ottersten in order to carry out research in the area of signal processing for mmWave and THz radar systems.

  The position holder will be required to perform the following tasks:

  ·         Shaping research directions in line with project objectives, pursuing research and delivering project outputs

  - Carrying out cutting edge research activities in architectural definition, waveform design and receiver processing, enabling cognition in extremely high frequency radar systems

  - Collaborating with the industrial partner, gathering requirements, problem formulation, discussions on feasibility of solutions

  ·         Writing scientific papers jointly with the other members in the group

  ·         Participating in development and upgradation of the SDR based Radar test bench based on pursued research is considered as a plus

  ·         Disseminating the results through scientific publications in high impact factor journals

  ·         Presenting the results in the internationally well-known conferences and workshops

  ·         Attracting funding in cooperation with partners

  ·         Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students

  ·         Assisting in teaching duties

  ·         Organizing relevant workshops

  For further information, please contact us at Mohammad.Alaee@uni.lu or Bhavani.Shankar@uni.lu

  Your Profile

  Qualification: The candidate should possess (or be in the process of completing) a PhD degree or equivalent in Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Computer Science or Applied Mathematics.


  The ideal candidate should have research project-based experience (FP7/H2020, Industry) and publication record in a number of the following topics:

  ·         Signal processing techniques for distributed automotive sensors

  ·         Developing scientific algorithms in the fields of mmWave/THz radar signal/image processing

  ·         Waveform design and optimization algorithms applied to the radar systems

  ·         Awareness of various SAR/ISAR processing methods, as well as array signal processing in multi-channel, multi-target applications

  ·         Machine/Deep Learning with applications to radar systems

  Exposure to USRP/SDR implementation and familiarity with FPGA programming is considered as an advantage. Development skills in one of the programming languages, MATLAB, LabVIEW or C++ are required.

  Exposure to the latest radar technology and digital communications is desirable.

  Language Skills: Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English are required.

  We offer

  The University offers a two-year employment contract that may be extended up to five years. The University is an equal opportunity employer. You will work in an exciting international environment and will have the opportunity to participate in the development of a newly created university.


  Application should be submitted online and include:

  ·         Full CV, including list of publications and name (and email address, etc.) of three referees

  ·         Transcript of all modules and results from university-level courses taken

  ·         Research statement and topics of particular interest to the candidate (300 words).

  Deadline for applications: September 15, 2019. Applications will be processed as they arrive; early application is highly encouraged.


