Topics: Spinal cord injury, ultrasound imaging, biomarker development, neuroprotection
Position Description
Applicants are invited for a postdoctoral position at the University of Washington, School of Medicine in the area of spinal cord injury repair under the leadership of Dr. Christoph Hofstetter. Dr. Hofstetter an academic neurosurgeon has assembled an outstanding multidisciplinary research team focusing on the development of early biomarkers for acute spinal cord injury. The postdoctoral fellow will have the opportunity to work with Dr. Matt Bruce, a physicist with vast expertise in ultrasound imaging and image data processing. Additionally, the fellows will work with Dr. Zin Khaing, a renowned neurobiologist with extensive experience in the pathophysiology and behavior of experimental models of spinal cord injury. The position is associated with grant-funded projects examining the development of ultrasound-based biomarkers for traumatic spinal cord injury.
Our current research efforts focus on the development of novel ultrasound-based imaging techniques to assess local tissue perfusion and characterize blood flow characteristics in the microvasculature in a rodent model. We hope to develop and evaluate ultra-early biomarkers for spinal cord injuries that can predict injury severities. We have also started initial efforts to translate this ultrasound-based technology to our patients. Our research team is interdisciplinary (physician scientist, neuroscientist and physicist). Successful candidates will be expected to integrate well with our research team and pioneer programming, acquisition, and analysis of ultrasound imaging. Solid expertise in image analysis, signal processing, use of statistical models in Matlab is encouraged. Expertise with rodent animal experiments would be beneficial.
Eligible applicants should have a Ph.D. in bioengineering, computer science, neuroscience or a related field. Salary will be commensurate with research experience and based on the NIH guidelines for postdoctoral trainees. University of Washington is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and we welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and training histories. This position is searching for an entry-level postdoctoral scholar, and will be given faculty title of senior fellow.
Anticipated start date is 9/1/19. This is an annually renewed (12 month service period) appointment.
Eligible applicants should have a Ph.D. in neuroscience or a related field, or foreign equivalent. Salary will be commensurate with research experience and based on the NIH guidelines for postdoctoral trainees.
Application Instructions
Please submit a CV and Cover Letter for review at http://apply.interfolio.com/59109
For more information, please contact chh9045@uw.edu, zink@uw.edu or mbruce@uw.edu