Three funded postdoctoral positions at the St. Michael’s Hospital/University of Toronto (Department of Biochemistry) are available in the lab of Dr. Greg Fairn.
Dr. Fairn is an Associate Professor and recipient of the 2017 Walter Shaw Young Investigator Award from ASBMB. His research group focuses on fundamental biological questions at the interface of cell biology, protein & lipid biochemistry, and innate immunity. The Fairn Lab is embedded within the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science (KRCBS) at St. Michael’s Hospital an academic institution fully affiliated with the University of Toronto.
Three CIHR and NSERC funded positions are available starting in Sept. and will remain open until suitable candidates are in place. Specific projects will investigate novel aspects of:
1. Phagosome maturation and tissue homeostasis,
2. Lipid signalling and dynamics in the TGN and endosomal transport,
3. Post-translation modifications (palmitoylation) in response to bacterial infection.
Key responsibilities of the PDFs will include the implementation and execution of well-designed and controlled experiments, data analysis, and communication of data and progress. The Fairn Lab and Keenan Research Centre are team environments in open-concept space with excellent equipment and core facilities where productivity and communication are essential. Opportunities to attend departmental seminars and conferences, to give seminars and to participate in other career-relevant initiatives will be provided. Furthermore, there may be opportunities to gain mentoring and teaching experience through the guidance and supervision of undergraduate and graduate trainees who would be expected to contribute effectively to a specific project.
University of Toronto is a leading publicly funded university based in the sixth largest city in North America. U of T houses more than 7000 full time faculty members and has more than $1.2 billion in annual research funding. Accordingly, multiple opportunities for collaboration exist within St. Michael’s Hospital and the larger University of Toronto community.
Successful candidates will have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree from a recognized academic institution in one of cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, or a related discipline. Experience in advanced microscopy and image analysis is required. Additional experience with one or more of the following; mouse husbandry and isolating primary immune cells, working with model organisms, or lipidomics/ metabolomics, is also highly desirable. A strong publication record and demonstrated ability to perform impactful research is also required. The position is also open to international applicants provided they meet the proper immigration requirements.
Applicants are encouraged to e-mail Dr. Fairn directly (fairng@smh.ca). Please include
1. a cover letter describing relevant research training, research interests, long-term career goals, and contact information for 2-3 referees, and
2. a CV with a list of publications, presentations, and awards.
The positions are initially for a three-year term with the possibility of extension. Postdoctoral fellows are expected to apply for internal and extramural funding while in the lab. Please note that only qualified candidates will be contacted for follow-up discussions and project specifics.