The University Hospital Essen offers first class medical services in the Ruhr metropolis. Every year, 225.000 patients are treated in 26 clinics, 23 institutes and specialized centers. The over 6.000 employees offer medical care with state-of-the art diagnostics and therapies, which meet highest international standards. Patient care is connected with basic and translational research at an internationally competitive level. State-of-the-art core facilities, including imaging, cell sorting and sequencing are available on site.
The Research Division (Head: Professor Sven Brandau) of Department of Otorhinolaryngology is currently seeking a
Postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d) in Immuno-Oncology
(Pay grade E13 TV-L / 100% – temporary employment)
The employment is provided for the duration of a third-party funded project for a period of initially three years. The pay grade classification depends on the personal and collective legal requirements.
Your profile and qualifications
We are seeking a candidate with a PhD and a completed academic degree in the natural sciences or life sciences (Bachelor/Master/Diploma) and experience in the fields of cell biology, molecular biology or immunology. A successfully completed experimental PhD Thesis must be part of the previous education. Solid scientific English skills are required. Pure basic research does not satisfy you. You are looking for a clinical environment and a disease-orientated research project. You are willing to work independently and apply your knowledge to a new area of research. Previous experience with cell culture, immunology and flow cytometry is strongly encouraged when applying for this position. Interdisciplinary activity and collaboration with colleagues in the area of bio-nanotechnology is required.
Our group
In our group, you can expect a good working atmosphere and a lively research environment at the interface of basic science and clinical medicine. We offer a wide spectrum of methods ranging from molecular biology, immunology and experimental animal models to patient material and high-end imaging. The research themes of our group are: immunological tumor-host interaction with a focus on myeloid cells, tumor immunotherapy and the immunobiology of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs).
Selected publications
Si Y, et al. (2019) Science Immunology 18;4(40), doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.aaw9159
Lang S, et al. (2018) Clinical Cancer Research 24(19):4834-4844.
Klein JC, et al. (2017) Nature Communications 8:14600
More information can be found here: https://hno.uk-essen.de/grundlagenforschung-0/ag-brandau/
Your project
In your project you will develop bio-nanotechnological tools for precision immunotherapy of cancer. The project will be conducted in close co-operation with the groups of Prof. Dr. Schlücker (Faculty of Chemistry) and Prof. Dr. Saccà (Faculty of Biology), both University of Duisburg-Essen. We will apply an interdisciplinary approach integrating immunology, colloidal chemistry, and bionanotechnology to design, construct and apply molecular tools that selectively mark and target defined immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. In vitro cell systems, 3-D organ model systems and animal model approaches will be used. You will be responsible for the design, performance and analysis of all cellbased experiments in the project. Multi-cellular systems will be established to mimic complex tumor environments. You will have the opportunity to present your findings at national and international conferences.
The University Hospital Essen is an equal opportunity employer. Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. The participation in secondary employment depends on the „Hochschulnebentätigkeitsverordnung“ of North-Rhine Westphalia. Disabled applicants will be preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification. The position is also available as part-time employment.
Please send applications (CV, two letters of recommendation or the contact details of two referees, proof/certificate of PhD, Master Degree or Diploma, presentations/publications, summary of training/experience, spectrum of methods and an English abstract/summary of your PhD thesis) with reference to the tender number 838 by 18th January 2020 preferably by email in a single pdf file to:
Prof. Dr. Sven Brandau
Head of Research Division
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
University Hospital Essen
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
Dr. Tanja Hardt-Knechtli; email: tanja.hardt-knechtli@uk-essen.de
Larissa Loska; email: larissa.loska@uk-essen.de
We use your data exclusively for application purposes in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.
Further information can be found in the privacy statement on our homepage at: www.uk-essen.de